Thursday 28 July 2011

Way to go Mom, and a day at the beach...(again!)

Jul. 17th, 2011 | 10:54 pm

Way to go Mom for copying the pictures on to a disk for me, you did it! I must admit, I was skeptical but you got it done, yay! So, ALL of the Dublin photos are now in the album. I will work on the rest of the journal entry tomorrow. I have to apologize for slowing down at bit on the picture/journal front. As I said, we hit the beach again yesterday and I was wiped when I got home. For the first time in my life, I played with a beach ball in the water. Normally, I don't have the balance to do those types of things. (I can't stand in one spot on my own, if I want to stand still I have to use my crutches) Anyway, the water gives me buoyancy that allows me to stand up in the water and have my hands free so Mom brought out the beach ball. We've been wanting to try it for years but it's tricky getting me into the water, minus toys so adding stuff can sometimes be more trouble than it's worth. Anyway, we bit the bullet and threw the ball around. We tried to bump it like a volleyball, but I have to tell you, I totally sucked. :-) I guess I can fall back on the "I've never done it before" excuse but well, I REALLY sucked and was disappointed. I've always thought that had a had a different life I would have been very athletic, not according to yesterday:-)

Anyway, I know Mom had fun watching me. I know it's hard for her seeing me struggle so much to do simple things, but I could see her checking it off the list in her head. "Cindy got to play beach volleyball in the water." Oh and we had a new "floatation" device. Believe it or not, an airplane shaped two seater that Mom just loved hanging on to. I wish we had had the camera---hilarious. She kept falling off and was none to graceful while trying to climb back on. And, after our recent airplane experience she had fun imitating my voice on the plane. "Who am I?" EEEEEEEEE (Yes, I screeched both times when we landed) It was funny to hear now, but it wasn't funny then!:-)

Anyway, we had fun, but the day really took it's toll and today has been 35C (90 plus) so that has me none to energetic either.

I'm heading off to Toronto tomorrow night for a Josh Groban concert. Should be interesting. He gets rave reviews for smaller venues (interacting with crowd/asking what songs they want to hear) and bad reviews for large arenas (fans were asked to text questions right in the middle of the concert/bad opening acts) I'm going to the Air Canada Centre. It holds 15,000 people, so I'm kinda nervous about it. It's a long way to go on a week night (one hour each way, not including the time it takes for Mom to double back to my place to drop me off.)  I hope it's worth it. I'll let you know.

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