Wednesday 27 July 2011

Snail Mail to come to a screeching halt. Does anybody care?

May. 25th, 2011 | 11:23 am

It looks like Canada Post is poised for a full-on strike. The last time we were here it was 1997. We hadn't yet experienced the height of electronic banking, electronic invoicing, electronic, well, everything. So the question is, outside of those that rely on mail-ordering for their businesses does anybody care? It seems as if Canadians are shouting a resounding NO as you hear calls for privatization and union dissolution.

Canadians pay a whooping sixty cents for a stamp, while the US comes in at a measley fourty-four. Yikes. My father lives down in the States and being the nice daughter that I am, I've been known to take advantage of that on a few occasions. I can tell you that the US postal service has top-notch accountibilty at a fraction of the cost. I'm able to track a package as it gets to a state, city and finally, a specific address with the click of a button and it usually all happens within three days.

I marvel at the "overnight" shipping policies of many US internet sites. I always go to the customer comments expecting the usual "Where's my parcel?"outrage, but for the most part, it's non-existent. Signed, sealed, delivered, at your front door. Impressive.

So not happening here.

No tracking, no idea where it is, no package, no money left in my wallet.

A few months ago, I reported my postman because I live in a twenty-nine unit building and he was continuously putting the wrong mail in the wrong box. At one point, I had my neighbours long overdue cable bill and his soon to be expired driver's registration. The manager I spoke to was appropriately horrified by my tales of musical mail, promising to ask his employee to "be more vigilant" about "package placement." That worked for awhile, but like most things, the novelty of "the talk" wore off and we were back to swaping envelopes, this time, with our federal election notices.

The beginning salary for a postal worker is twenty-four dollars an hour. For that kind of money, I'LL deliver the mail (and I bet I can even TRY to get it in the correct box.) Now, they want a raise and more job security even as "electronic" mail volumes are up, with snail mail becoming a lost art. Don't get me wrong, we will always need the postman, but gone are the days of forty years worth of job security, postal workers included..

Reading the blogs (isn't technology wonderful) you get the sense that people are fed up with being held hostage by the aging dinosaur called Canada Post. A resounding "I'll do it online." Is echoing throughout the nation along with calls to put the beast out of it's misery and privatize the whole thing.

I really do believe that these workers are in for a rude awakening when they realize we aren't all clamouring for their return, and on the bright side, we're all going to get a little break from the endless stream of paper they call mail. If you listen closely, you can hear the trees sighing with relief.

Just my opinion, signed, sealed, and delivered.


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