Wednesday 27 July 2011

Old Man Winter, not done yet...

Mar. 23rd, 2011 | 02:07 pm

Fifteen centimeters of snow this morning (six inches for those of you not up on your conversion tables) It looks like the beginning of January. Is there a magic button to make all of this white stuff disappear? I used to love snow as a kid. My Mom would pull me around in a sled and I'd glide over the snow happily screeching "faster, faster!" but things changed. Soon, I was forced out of my comfy sled and told to crawl up the hill if I wanted to sled down it. I can still feel the icy, cold snow working it's way up my wrists, into my mittons as I crawled up the hill. It really stopped being fun after that. LOL. I'm ready for my official snow retirement, I'll leave the snow ball fights, Frosty building, and igloo construction to the kids.

Oh I didn't tell you, I just realized I'll be flying to London on the thirteenth. I'm not normally the superstitious type, but I would never pick the thirteenth as a flight day after more than a decade of not flying and my nerves on high alert.

THe flight actually leaves the terminal on the twelveth, but we end up over the Atlantic on the thirteenth. There's something kind of cool about that, starting out on one day and swooshing right into the next (yes, I said swooshing) I'm betting the world travellers don't think much of it but I enjoy the idea of seeing a new day at the start of my journey. I could use a few new days.

Anyway, Horley looks like a cute little town. Definitely that "country" feel even though it's only five minutes from the airport. Cute B and B's up and down the street complimented by a bunch of little shops. The train station is only a five minute walk, and that's how we will get to London's centre the following day.

When I first heard that Prince William was getting married, all I could think was "Oh my God, these two are going to be getting married in June and I'll NEVER make it to London." Seriously, can you imagine the security nightmare? We'd be waving to London out the window of our quaint country inn.

Thank goodness SOMEONE had the good sense to pick April for the nuptials (If it was you Kate, thank you and if it was someone within the royal family, GO Windsors!)

So yes, London on the fourteenth with an accessible train station right around the corner. We've decided that we don't want to do the "EYE." I don't need to be in a hot glass cubicle hundreds of feet above the ground to enjoy the sights of England, thanks. No, no we can stay on the ground and listen to the chimes of Big Ben (actually, the chimes are named Big Ben the rest of it is known as the tower.)

I'm thinking double decker tour bus, and Mom is thinking "changing of the guard" Maybe I'll leave her watching the guard as I hop on the bus. :-)  (How exciting can watching horses/men in furry hats be?)  Nah, that will be impossible seeing as we are bringing my wheelchair. That pretty much means where she goes, I go, so we'll have to make the most of our time, and hope that we can fit enough in.

If any of you reading this (and by that I mean all five of you) have been to London and have a "must see" list for the day, please let me know about it. We want to see as much as we can without falling down in exhaustion. We board the cruise on the fifteenth, so there isn't a lot of "recovery" time.

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