Wednesday 27 July 2011

Forgotten passwords, cancelled rides, and a cute little theatre

May. 28th, 2011 | 01:43 am
mood: exhausted exhausted

I'm at Mom's for a couple of days picking up odds and ends for the trip as well as getting some pants hemmed. I so don't sew, so I leave it up to her to make me presentable. Frankly, I find the "looking dashing" thing way too much work,so not my thing. I hate standing around while she pins's hard on my knees, legs, and feet and by the end I always say, "Why am I doing this again?"

Couple that, with trying to sell a couple sets of tickets before we go minus my account password and you've got a bad combination of crapola. I set up this account for selling only, so I don't use it everyday. I have all of my passwords saved in a cookie on my computer so I don't think twice about it; until I try to log in using another computer and realize I no longer have a clue what the password is, not good for business. I've tried every combination I can think of and no luck, so any potential buyers have been left in the lurch for two days. Here's hoping I haven't flushed money right down the toilet with this silliness. Home later today, likely to a hornet's nest of angry customers.

Our return ride from the airport just cancelled. I already had one friend back out, now a family member. It's disappointing because it means spending a substancial amount of money just to get back to Mom's place half an hour from the airport.

On the upside, I bought Mom an ice cream cake today for her soon-to-be birthday. Mint chocolate chip, boy was it good. It's only the second time I've had ice-cream cake and I have to say, it's pretty dreamy. :-) Creamy, rich and cool going down. Yummy! It didn't stop there. Mom makes killer popcorn on the stove so I just had to have some.Buttery, salty goodness as I gain twenty pounds and this is pre-cruise. I'm going to come home looking like the Good Year Blimp and the Michelin Man all rolled into one.

I was looking up Horley again tonight (first stop on a long list-- the city for the B and B outside of London) It turns out they have this cute little live theatre (it seats 95) and we JUST MISS the chance to see a performance called "The Best of Friends" that sounds really interesting.

Missed it by one day, hope it's not an emerging pattern!

The weather picture is improving. The volcano seems relatively quiet, and minus the next four days, the two week weather report for London looks pretty sunny. Of course, I'm not leaving for another FIFTEEN days so none of that really counts, but it's nice to see a positive pattern.
All it's done here is rain, coupled with same pretty nasty thunderstorms, so a hint of Spring is welcome.

Man, I'm long-winded; time for bed so I can get up in the morning and eat ice-cream cake for breakfast!:-)

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