Wednesday 27 July 2011

Happy Birthday Big Ben!

Apr. 20th, 2011 | 06:14 pm

Today is the birthday of Canada's most famous horse, Big Ben!

Ben was ridden by none other than Ian Miller (aka Captain Canada) Combined, they won over forty Grand Prix titles and more than 1.5 million dollars in prize money. Not bad for a horse originally sold for two thousand dollars.

These two were a dream to watch. It was clear that Ben was a lot to handle at over seventeen hands high, and Ian (to say the least) isn't a big man. By all accounts, this partnership should have failed from day one. Ben could have strong-armed Ian over any course without looking back, but the respect between horse and rider shone through.

This duo sparked my love of horse jumping. Poetry in motion sounds so trite but if ever that phrase held true to anything, it was in watching this team conquer each obstacle with an ease and grace I have yet to see equaled.

Ben's height should have made him a clumsy, gawky jumper, he should have been knocking over rails with regularity, folding under the weight of his mighty frame, but it never happened. Ian saw to that, he had a way of gathering that horse under his hands, under his reigns. "Trust me boy..." It was layed out for all to see. The little rubs became inconsequential as Ben raced forward, ears back, awaiting the next command.

Though Ian loved to win, I can tell you with certainty that Ben wanted it more. That boy was tireless. As the end of the course came into view you would see him pressing forward, his gait getting longer; more sure as he surged toward the final jump. He had a winner's soul and a champion's heart. The gold metal alluded them both in the olympics, but when Ben was retired at the age of eighteen, he was one of only two horses inducted into the Canadian Sports Legends Hall of Fame. (Northern Dancer was the other.)

Ben died in 1999 after his third battle with colic. His ashes are buried at the Miller Farm on a grassy knoll overlooking the rolling, green hills of the land.. Even in death, this loyal friend is looking out for his partner: no doubt waiting for his chance to ride again.

Ian has ridden many mounts since Ben, but he's never been able to duplicate the level of success he achevied with his favourite horse. "Ben was competitive, he had that winner's instinct, he wanted it as badly as I did. That's not easy to find again."

No it's not Ian, your boy was one in 1.5 million.

Happy Birthday Ben, we miss you!

Ben in his heyday (below) and Ben on a stamp. (bottom left)

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