Thursday 28 July 2011

So sorry, no pictures today...

Jul. 11th, 2011 | 11:27 pm
mood: lazy lazy

So hot here, even now. It was 30C today but with humidity it felt like 40C. Drove down to the beach for dinner with a friend so that was something of a relief (being by the water) but even there you could tell that things were unstable. Lots of wind and the humdiity was still oppressive so I'm guessing a storm will brew overnight. Not complaining still better than snow, but definitely "stick to everything" weather. I won't tell you that I got drops of melting chocolate peanut butter ice-cream all over my shorts, I just couldn't eat it fast enough. Yes, I AM five. Sad, sad, sad. Nice to catch up with my girlfriend though, it had been too long. 

More pictures tomorrow, we move on to Belfast.

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