Wednesday 27 July 2011

It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)

May. 22nd, 2011 | 12:51 pm
mood: chipper chipper

Those of you who are familiar with R.E.M. will appreciate my journal title today. :-) It seems the "world as we know it" didn't end yesterday as some thought it might. Honestly, I hadn't even known it was a possibility until Sylvia Browne (Montel's well known psychic sidekick) came to my city last year and proclaimed that the world ending in 2011 was "absolute bunk." Okay then, like I said, hadn't even realized it was an issue.

I have to say, if I was going to have to go, yesterday was as good a day as any. It was sunny and hot with the perfect light breeze swirling around the water. We went to go check on what we thought would be the brand new swan babies cruising the lake with their parents. Turns out, they're still eggs. Daddy is now swimming next to Mom and no longer fending off other inhabitants, choosing instead to glide back and forth in front of Mom (The swan version of pacing back and forth waiting for his kids to be born.)

When his partner lifted off the eggs, he was right there to shield them while she adjusted the nest, clearly getting more comfortable. It really is amazing to watch. Follow that up with a picnic and it's a pretty good day. Hamburgs, potato salad, cold drinks, not a bad way to spend the first really nice day of summer.

Even better, Mom surprised me with a mini barbeque complete with tiny gas tanks. Yay! That means steaks, burgers, you name it on our impromptu picnics. We did steaks once on a disposable grill last year (complete with veggies and potatoes) AND BOY, WAS IT GOOD!

Nothing like the smell of grill smoke in the summer!

So, all in all, a good day not to have the world end. :-)

My friend Jill clued me in to this site, a real gem about an option pet owners had if you "moved on" but your pets didn't.. Classic. AND it comes with a ten year guarantee, just in case !

So, our pets can rule the world while we're otherwise occupied. I'm pretty sure they do that anyway, but it's nice to know they'll have options! :P
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