Thursday 28 July 2011

Glasgow-The final stop in Scotland

Jul. 10th, 2011 | 04:11 pm

We really enjoyed Glasgow. Originally, we had had a tour booked but it mentioned Lochness and we cringed. We were afraid that we were going to end up stuck flying past the lake again as the bus whized past, so we decided to take a shuttle into Glascow. Good choice.

As you can see, we found Starbusks number three (I think that's the number we were on anyway) and this one was literally just steps from the town centre. I remember the clock striking one and watching all of these feet start to speed up as they scurried past the door. Almost as soon as the clock stopped striking the hour, the feet slowed down.

Again, you will see the beautiful buildings. I couldn't tell you what half of them were but combined, they make a breathtaking picture. Again the landscape wasn't easy to navigate, but oh well!

This was the city where our tour guide challenged us to come up with a good scotish word, one we had never heard of and bring it back to the bus at the end of the day and she would tell us what it meant. My favourite word? Blather--which means "to chat." So, if I was going to "have a good blather." I would be having a good conversation.

For the most part we just wandered around. It was our last day in Scotland so I think we wanted to do our best to soak it all in.

I'll be honest, I miss it terribly. I'm having a hard time being back at home feeling like I'm stuck here when I could be taking in sights like this . Again, the pace was slower, cell phones limited, people always willing to chat and OMG I can't believe I almost forget this part. We went in to a public building to see if they had a public washroom so that's exactly what I asked for, a washroom, blank stares. Then it clicked. Toilets, the Scots know toilets not washrooms. Instantly, confusion forgotten, the older gentleman smiled. "You didn't know what I was talking about did you?" I queried. "No lass." He replied simply, pointing me in the right direction for the very accessible restroom.

I miss the sights, the miss the clear, clean, crisp air. I miss the people, and if you know me at all, you know that's unusual for me:-)

Oh, how's this for class? When we got back to the ship, we found a full band of bagpipers/drummers waiting to send us out of port (see pictures below.) We actually took a video of it because it was so cool but the file is HUGE and I know that bagpies aren't always people's thing.

In the background, the staff of the tourist board was waving flags and their arms in a big ol' Scotish send-off. I felt like I was on the docks of the Loveboat as I enthuastially waved back at no one in particular.

I hope I get to come back some day Scotland! Thank-you for being such a pure-hearted, welcoming host!!cpZZ2QQtppZZ20

More chips! Mom ran up a hill at full speed to get these for me right before we had to run up another hill to get to the bus. Bad thing about tours: Guides aways want to leave fifteen minutes earlier than the end of tour time. Mom and I were having none of it. She was actually ready to leave a couple behind because they came to the bus EXACTLY when the paper said to. She tried pawning them off on another bus, but people saw them coming up the hill and made her stop for them. So ridiculous! She had even called the ship asking to leave. It was crazy!

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