Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Countdown Continues...

Jun. 5th, 2011 | 12:49 pm

One week from today,  I'll be jetting off over the Atlantic for adventures unknown. It still doesn't seem real. You spend years saving for trips like this, so when you finally reach your goal, it all seems very abstract. It also comes at a very big cost for me, one not related to dollars and cents. It means I no longer have my kids to look after, to come home to. I wish more than anything that I did, that this trip could never happen because my kids would  stay with me forever, but that's not real life. Real life is needing to get out of here, needing to see and do something else for awhile. I'll take Buddy and Kasey with me in my own way. I had luggage tags made in their colours with each cat holding the world. (see below) In other words, they will follow me around the globe. The bracelet, given to me by a friend who knows what it's like to lose your best friends, will be cinched around my wrist "angel Buddy, angel Kasey" it reads in block letters, little hearts and cat faces following each name. And finally, the picture tucked carefully away in the front of my carry-on bag. So, I'll bring them with me, both physically and emotionally. It helps knowing that.

I'm not sure how often I'll be on to update. I hope a lot. I hope my fingers fly across the keyboard, eagar to share my experiences, words tumbling out like bubbling lava. I hope I'm not dead tired, wanting only a bed and ten hours of sleep. That's not usually my style; but then again, I haven't flown on planes, driven cross country, boarded ships, waited for trains all while trying to soak it all in. This could get interesting and that's taking my potential motion sickness out of the equation. (We hope.)

I'll do my best to capture each moment; savour it, drink it in. You only get so many chances like this, don't think I don't recognize that, appreciate it, I absolutely do.

Strap in ladies and gentlemen, this could be a VERY bumpy ride.

Kasey   Buddy

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