Wednesday 27 July 2011

So It's Friday the 13th...

I'm not particularly superstitious but I won't do things like fly on the thirteenth (well apparently I will because I'm flying over the Atlantic on the thirteenth next month but hey, I didn't book it.)

I had more important things to worry about as I rushed down to Starbucks to enjoy one last strawberry frapechino at half price during "Happy Hour." I have to say, I always forget how nice people are in my neighbourhood until I come out of winter hybernation, and start taking things in; outside the four walls of my dingy apartment. I had two people offer to let me sit down while they waited in line for me. That's not a small favour. The first day I took advantage of the special, it took Mom and I half an hour to get our drinks. Today, the wait time ran about fifteen minutes, but still, two very generous offers.

I also found myself struggling to get up the step of another store.They were holding something for me, so bailing wasn't an option. One stair sounds easy enough, until said establishment starts filling the space with bushels of apples,  plants, flowers, and a bunch of other crap I have no interest in buying. But there it is, blocking everything but the narrow doorframe so I'm forced to ask people for their arm as I fanagle my way up one lousy stair none to daintily, I might add. At that point, I feel awful about asking them to get the door too (seems like overkill after I've already invaded their personal space) but hey, it's ask them while they're there, or struggle with it myself for another five minutes while my feet get tired.Which would you choose? 

For all those people who stop and help me (yes, even if I have to ask) I thank you. You're the reason I can't quite give up on humanity. Sure, I don't enjoy people as much as I do animals, but it turns out, you have your moments! :-)

Should I be suspicious or superstitious about your motives??? :P

Naaah, score one for people today, Freaky Friday aside.

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