Thursday 28 July 2011

One year, a broken heart, and two little souls I miss everyday.

Jul. 20th, 2011 | 02:02 am

It's the one year anniversary of Buddy's death today and the 22nd marks the five year anniversary of Kasey's death too. Yes, I've come to hate July. It seems fitting that these two should pass away within two days of each other however, they were true friends who always had one anothers' backs. They were a great team, and I was proud to be part of that, to watch these two become best buddies,and a part of my family. I couldn't have asked for two better cats.They were sweet and loving and when they weren't looking out for each other, they were looking out for me.

Thee wasn't a day that went by that they weren't there. If I was sick, one of them was always in the bed, if I was lonely both of them would invaribly sense it and close ranks around me, flanking me on both sides. It was apparent early on that we would become the "three musketeers" and we held true to that. I cannot begin to tell you the ways in which they saved my life. Both of them rescued me from crippling anxiety (It's hard to stay in bed when two cats are pawing at you in search of dinner) and gave me a sense of purpose for eighteen years. I have long said that each of them held half my heart so now without them, I feel heartless, empty, broken. I truly know what it means to have a broken heart. Some days it takes all my energy just to keep going, to take a step forward without them. Most days, I feel them so close to me, I know they're here, a whisper in my ear, a light touch on my pillow. It is for me, proof of our unbreakable connection.

I hope they are up there playing together. Running around chasing each other and sharing treats (Who am I kidding, Kasey wouldn't share her treats with anybody, love or not:-)) I hope they miss me just a little, because I miss them with everything in me. I look forward to the day when we are reunited, when we are once again the three musketeers. Until then, I'll see them in my dreams and know that two sweet souls are waiting for me, what more could I ask for?

The Gift
 Welcome little one to the pearly gates,
Your pair of golden wings await.
You were a friend so tried and true,
A better job, you could not do.
 We’ve watched you from our perch above,
You were God’s creature, so filled with love.
We sent you to share it, in your own special way,
But now it’s here, your reckoning day.

We could not ask any more of you, there was nothing else for you to do.
You shared your love, you touched a soul,
You, little one, have achieved your goal.
So though the lonely soul does cry, turn around now, and wave goodbye.

Let us fit those golden wings,
The angels they do softly sing.
Yes, we know of the soul you keenly miss,
Fly down to earth for one last kiss. 

No, the soul does feel you not,
But the kiss of an angel, it does get caught. 
Look closely now, yes, at her heart,
You little one, have left your mark.

She loved you then, and loves you still,
Such is the gift of human will.
So fear not little one, you are not alone,
It is the thing called LOVE that brought you home. 



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