Wednesday 27 July 2011

Shop 'til I drop...

Apr. 11th, 2011 | 02:39 am

OMG this site is hilarious! I was checking out the "Shop" category and yes, it's in Russian. (I've since learned, thanks to current server issues, that Livejournal is owned by a Russian company so the language "barrier" makes more sense) But wait, there IS an option at the bottom of the merchandise page to pick your country and language of choice, so it's all good. This, dear readers is when the fun begins!

Want pet clothes? No problem! Want William and Kate wedding crap? (I mean priceless wedding commencement pieces) just click on their icon! Want a t-shirt with a dirty saying for that special someone? Be prepared to look for hours because there are hundreds of them. The Kremlin has a problem with free political speech, but they don't have a problem with lewd t-shirts? :P

Commerce wins again. Who says the former Soviet Union has learned nothing from the West? Money makes the world go 'round. Now, if you'll excuse me I think I hear that Star Wars poster calling my name, or maybe the Pink Panther skateboard. Decisions, decisions...

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