Wednesday 27 July 2011

Heat and the Spin Cycle

May. 31st, 2011 | 09:56 am

Okay, I'll take it! 40C with the humidity factor. It's actually a relief to be "hot" and now our "weather" people are calling for a "great" summer. Here's hoping, but feel free to wait until I get back...

London tempatures hanging in there at around 70. Nice for tours/exploring. Let's hope it holds up.

Laundry today, oh joy. My least favourite chore next to the dishes. Wheeling a cart down three floors just for clean clothes. (okay there's an elevator, but you get my drift) and sharing three sets of machines with twenty-nine other units? Yuck.

The same guy that forgot to install my dishwasher, needs to come and install the washer/dryer.

Anybody want to share a house and all the expense/trouble that comes with it? Come on, you know you want to...

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