Wednesday 27 July 2011

Man it's so cold...

Mar. 24th, 2011 | 07:58 pm

It is March 24th right? Because you'd never know it by the snow/ice coating the sidewalks. I wore my jean jacket as I was out and about, and I have to say, HUGE mistake. I'm clearly way ahead of myself (and Mother Nature) as I saunter around in my flimsy denim. The cold wind cut me to the core and I was left shivering in a matter of seconds. You'd think after thirty-eight years of being stuck here, (excuse me, living here happily:-)) I would know better than to trust the weather fairies around here. Maybe it will be warm again in August. A girl can dream.

Crummy dinner out tonight. Ceasar salad that was nothing but a bunch of lettuce. Total waste of money, and calories! Oh well, live and learn (stick with the coupons/freebies)

At least I brought a big package of chocolate bars home, it will counteract all of the lettuce perfectly! :P

I am trying to get in the "habit" of writing pre-trip and I'm already reduced to talking about what I'm eating. This could be a bumpy ride people as it turns out, I'm already boring!

Urgh. The dog next door is barking again, if any of you want to come and kidnap him,feel free. I normally love all things animal but not this one. (It turns out his name is Buddy, yes, karma is a bitch) and believe me when I tell you, he is nothing like my boy.
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