Thursday 28 July 2011

Josh, the final tour, and a touch of sadness...

Jul. 19th, 2011 | 04:26 pm

Well, as promised, I was off to see Josh Groban last night at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto. A big SO-SO for this performance. His opening act was a weird piano dude. (honestly, his name was so odd I don't even remember it and he was forgettable enough that I don't even care it look it up) The guy came out banging hard on the keys calling his style "a cross of heavy metal/jazz and some different techniques..." True enough, he didn't sit on a bench, he played from his knees and alternated between the piano and his electric guitar while playing snatches of melodies in a half  hour set. The Pink Panther Theme mixed with the theme for the Young and the Restless. (I joked with Mom that all she needed now was the big screen to slide down with the latest Y and R episode since she tapes it everyday.)

I'll say this, he was unique, so, points for that but half an hour of Elew (Yes, I caved and looked it up) and I was quite happy to see him go. I'm sure more than a few people dug into their purses reaching for the Tylenol...  and lucky you, here's a sample on Youtube. I actually don't mind this number, but it got louder. :-)

Wow, someone actually collected lots of clips of him, takes all kinds! :-)

It was an odd opening act for Josh (given that he is pretty much a ballad singer) but as the show progressed, I came to understand that Josh the person, is funny, easy going and quirky with a sharp sense of humour so the choice made a little more sense by evening's end.

We were at the back of the arena so the lack of big screens really took us out of the action. It took me forever to figure out why I wasn't engaged despite the aforementioned humour, and this was it. No big screens= a limited viewpoint because everyone looks like tiny ants..

Seeming to really feed off of the energy, Josh was a gracious performer who appreciated the spirit of the crowd. That said, he was either really nervous or the guy has ADD because he couldn't seem to stand still, running on/off the stage back to front, front to back talking to people, answering questions, and singing. Honestly, the pace gave me whiplash.

His voice however, is a true gift and he seems to both understand and appreciate that. He's a down to earth guy who hasn't forgotten who he is or where he came from. The setup wasn't fancy, clearly, he was going for substance not flash. That's fine, until only half the fans can see you. I hope the next time I get to see Josh he is in either A) A smaller venue or B) He invests in some screens so that ALL of his fans can enjoy the full spectrum of both his musical talent and his witty banter.

Overall, glad I didn't pay for this concert. top price was $215. Thanks to the radio, a freebie for this girl. :-)

ETA: Yes, Josh put Kayne West's tweets to music during the live show after one of his fans texted him to "Please do the K West tweets."
"This isn't part of my set list you know." He quipped. "Jimmy Kimmel always makes me do weird crap on his show!"

Here's a clip of the "musical" tweets my girl Jill found for me on Youtube.

Favourite: Feather pillows are actually hard to sleep on..." LOL

Probably the one guy I would actually want to folllow on twitter, you gotta love someone who can laugh at themselves, has a kick ass voice, and can say things like "Yeah, you probably noticed, I'm kind of weird..." (Not sure about walking around in those XXXXXL camoflague t-shirts either Josh! :-))

Favourite line of the night "Did it storm yet? God, it's so hot I'm starting to smell BO. No not you Ma'am, you smell nice, I smell my own,,,I better get back on stage!" :-) Yeah, you weren't the only one Josh, the guy next to me reeked. The pitfalls of ninety plus weather I'm afraid:-)

You'll notice I've slowed down on posting my cruise pictures. I'm down to the final tour day, so I'm slowing down trying to savour what's left I suppose. I'll be sad to be done with the travel journal. I've really enjoyed posting both my pictures and my thoughts on the trip and honestly, I really miss the UK.

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of Buddy's death and I'm reeling as a friend of mine had to put her own cat down today after 19 years so of course, it brings it all back to me on the heels of the anniversary. I don't feel anymore ready for another cat then I did on the day my boy died. I don't know if I just don't want to make the comitment (eighteen years is a long time and I know my mobility is crap now, so how do I do it?) or if I just want my freedom because I truly hate being in this city and will take anyway out that I can, so, I want to have the option of leaving at the drop of a hat sans kitty. Either way, it's a big fat no right now.

I'll likely start on the final tour pictures tomorrow in hopes of keeping my mind occupied. I hope you'll come along for the ride to Holyhead Wales.

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