Wednesday 27 July 2011

One of the down sides to living in an apartment building with water issues...

Mar. 28th, 2011 | 01:37 am
mood: grumpy grumpy

Literally a day after I moved into my new apartment (and the just built complex) I had a water issue. It wasn't so much a water issue as well, a full on flood. I turned the shower on hoping to test the pressure, only to have the water go rushing backward into the room next door. (Through the square cut out hole for the shower pipes)  My computer was a write-off, and several of my signed Wayne Gretzky books were riddled with water damage. I was furious. It wasn't a great way to start life on my own. (I didn't even have insurance yet, thankfully I was still covered under Mom's home policy.) Anyway, out of that issue came an all-building policy,. no dishwashers. They were so worried about repeat water problems (and they were right to worry--for years my walk-in shower repeatedly leaked into the downstairs unit) that a dishwasher became a distant memory. I can't tell you how much I miss it. To me, a dishwasher was a staple. I've now washed dishes by hand for eighteen years and I'm beyond sick of it.  I can never seem to keep up, and I have these teeny-tiny sinks that make anything larger than a plate difficult to wash.

Dishwashing has become an olympic event as I haul dishes back and forth from the living room to the kitchen (one of the joys of living alone--I watch TV while  I eat) Sitting at a kitchen table eating alone just makes me all kinds of lonely (one of the few things that does) So, I make the trek meal in hand, to the boob tube.

The down side to all of this is a pile of dishes at the end of the day that require not just transport but several sink drains and refills as the basins are more suited to Tiny Tim than full grown adults. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but I must admit there are days when I would like nothing better than to buy shares in a paper plate company and call it a day with the "real" dishes.

They always seem to be calling my name. Maybe I should buy some earplugs so I can drown them out and go back to dreaming about that swishing, swirling, water spewing, dishwasher. Oh how I miss thee.

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So I found another little bonus...

Mar. 28th, 2011 | 11:32 pm
mood: giggly giggly

Surprise, surprise, kitten icons! They go with the colour scheme too. Gotta say, this place is fun to play in. Clearly, I need a life.

Sunny here today but still cold. The sun is a welcome guest and one I hope sticks around. It's nice to see the sun shining at 7pm. It's the light at the end of a very long winter. Not much to say today, kind of ho-hum. Looking forward to the weekend at Mom's. Last time on her "old" couch, too bad, because it's comfortable and cozy for sleeping. (I absolutely refuse to sleep in the same bed with her, a little too "cozy" for my taste, thanks.) Anyway, Mom admitted the new couch won't be as nice for visiting (no clue what that means.)

We have one last free dinner that we've been looking forward to for months, a little Italian place that has no bad dishes, it's why we wanted to win the two hundred dollar gift card, but were disappointed to discover that it is only a one-time use deal. So, we'll go hungry and hope for the best! :-)
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