Wednesday 27 July 2011

April Showers May Bring May Flowers...

Apr. 28th, 2011 | 01:47 am
location: Canada, Hamilton
mood: cranky cranky

But I am so over this weather. Rainy and gray, rainy and gray. It's like watching that movie Groundhog Day, nothing every changes and by the end you're just begging for the film to stop. It seems that the seasons here do nothing but muddle together now. Winter is cold, Spring is less cold, summer is two months of decent conditions and Fall is hinting at that cold winter again. Blah. Anyone want to buy a house in Florida or Myrtle Beach with me? I hear housing prices are at a record low and we can get a great place for around 60,000. I'm so in. It's beyond me why anyone living here likes this crappy environment. In my mind, I've already left, I'm just waiting for someone else to kick in with the other half of the down payment. Any takers?

Miserable in Hamilton.

ETA: Wow, there is quite a debate over the spelling of gray or grey on the internet. Turns out BOTH are acceptable but "grey" was used more often back in the day. Another way for me to be different! Yay! :P

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