Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Adventure Begins...

Mar. 16th, 2011 | 02:54 am

So, I decided to post this entry to get me warmed up for my coming adventures. I am going to be taking a British Isles cruise in June, and thought I would jump start my (non-existent) writing by keeping a journal of my travels. I hope that I am able to do all of the sights and sounds justice, and that in sharing this with you, you can share in my experiences, if only a little.

I am going to be traveling with my Mom and I'm not afraid to tell you, this makes me a bit nervous (okay, a lot nervous) we are two very different people, with vastly different views on things, so I hope we can find a good balance and keep each other happy. That said, we worked together to earn this trip. We turned ourselves into mini radio stars. It turns out, Mom is an excellent speed-dialer and I'm not half bad at trivia (I leave the "early" years to Mom) The result? The funds for this trip. It took us a good while, but working together we conquered the radio world. We've seen some really wicked concerts (Keith Urban, Il Divo, Andre Rieu) and sold the stuff we either couldn't get to, or just didn't care about. Sounds easy, but have you ever dealt with some of the buyers on Kijijij or Craigslist? :P

Those of you who know me at all, know that I have struggled with two things in the last year, 1) My loss of Buddy (My eighteeen year old cat and best friend) and 2) My diminishing mobility. I have to tell you, I have been shocked (and I don't say that lightly) by the decline in my condition. Any doctor will tell you that Cerebral Palsy isn't progressive (it doesn't get worse) Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to tell you that it does. So, we have a heart that feels llike it's been pulverized with a mallet, and a body that feels like it is crumbling despite my best efforts to keep it running. Most days, it's like dangling from the edge of a cliff with only my fingernails keeping me from falling over the edge. I scratch and claw, desperate to hang on. Buddy taught me well:-)

Anyway, this is my chance to get away, and I hope it goes well (for both our sakes) I will be taking objects with me to "hold" on to, hoping to keep both my nerves, and motion sickness at bay. A worry stone (direct from Ireland--thanks Jeanette!) A bracelet with "Angel Buddy, Angel Kasey" spelled out over the circle (Thanks Ginger) and one of those handheld mini fans that a swore I would never carry around because people look so ridiculous trying to use them. Yes, I am now one of those people. Clothes and stuff, well that's all secondary to my "must haves." Let's hope all of this paraphernalia gets me on the plane and over the pond. If not, well, I'll be the one on the aircraft  having a complete meltdown. If nothing else, I'll give the other passengers something interesting to talk about.


Piece of cake. Getting out of the airport and finding our way to our hotel? Well, that's a whole other matter isn't it? :-) And a whole other entry...

Link to the guesthouse we're staying at

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