Wednesday 27 July 2011

Nano, Nano

 Mar. 31st, 2011 | 01:07 am

So, those crazy Nano people are starting another writing challenge on April 1st. For those of you that aren't familiar with this organization, the long and short of it is, they promote all things writing. A friend and I took on the book writing challenge this past November (actually she dragged me into it because she didn't want to face the daunting task alone) Anyway, here it was, 50000 words (a novel) in thirty days. My first reaction was to laugh hysterically. I had attempted a book a few years ago with no planning, no outline and no idea what the heck I was doing and I don't mind telling you, it was a complete failure. Anyway, I agrred to go along with this thing because I don't have a boatload of friends just waiting to champion my cause so when the few I do have ask for support, I like to try and be there for them, internet friends or otherwise. So, we both signed up, laughing about how ridiculous the idea even was. ha, ha , ha.

But you see...I forgot one of the most fundemental things about who I am. I may not mind failing the first time (after all, how else can you learn) but I don't enjoy failing at the same thing TWICE. Not finishing the first novel, left a bad taste in my mouth, it became another thing I walked away from/quit. That was happening too much in my life, so I secretly wished that I could give this challenge a good, swift kick in the ass and try my best. It sounds trite, but very true. So I wrote. I wrote about my life with Buddy and Kasey, how happy we were together, how sweet they truly were, my little family, the three musketeers. It was surreal. My fingers flying across the keyboard, desperate to get it all down, I was terrified that it would all slip away, my memory would fail me, so I wrote. I would find myself laughing one minute, crying the next. I wiped away tears I wasn't even aware were falling, rubbing at my face in exhaustion, my hand would come away wet. . My trip down memory lane, as two little cat souls followed behind me. If I listened hard enough, I could hear them whispering in my ear "It's okay mommy we're right here, we won't leave you." It sounds silly to those that aren't animal lovers, but they inspired me, I wanted to do them and our lives together, justice.

In thirty days I wrote 42000 words. I didn't need to get to 50000, our story had been told, remembered, immortilized. I was finished, mission accomplished. I haven't gone back to look at it again, I can't, my heart isn't there yet. I hope to one day have it edited and bound, just for me, just for us, eighteen years in the making. 

Anyway, I've veered off track here. Nano is starting another writing challenge on April 1st. Script writing this time. I tried that before too, so NOT my thing. A character with no dimension showed up, and took over the whole thing and I could never figure out the correct format for the script. I got so caught up in it all, that I lost myself completely. I guess some of us are just the proverbial "one trick" pony but I wish my girl Jill all the luck in the world (which she doesn't need)

Write on girl! And don't forget to have some fun along the way! I'll be thinking of you, and if you do well enough, maybe Buddy, Kasey and I will let you write the script adaptation of our award winning novel. :-)

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Eat, Drink, and be Merry...

Mar. 31st, 2011 | 11:45 pm
mood: ecstatic ecstatic

Wow. It turns out, Mom and I can really pack it away when we have a mind to. We went to this italian restaurant because we had a two hundred dollar gift certificate to use up by tonight. So, off we went, the two of us (because others weren't avaliable to make it a foursome) to eat (gorge) our way through the menu. Man, was it fun! Our server was attentive and instead of rolling her eyes at our "coupon," she seemed to enjoy embracing the challenge of seeing us spend as much money as possible. I ended up with garlic bread, ceasar salad, spaghetti, and a chocolate brownie cake complete with vanilla gelato (with a hint of lime) To say it was delicious would be an understatement, it was sublime.

Mom ended up with a specialty salad, muscles, beef tenderlion, creme brulee, and a cappaccino. Here's the kicker, we were still way under our total so the waitress says "Hey, take a dessert home for everyday next week!" We didn't quite go that far, but we did order three more desserts. I would have preferred an extra meal for each of us, but hey, we didn't want to appear too greedy, so we restrained ourselves!

Grand total? $155 We still could have treated the next table over to dinner. :-)

It was a lot of fun and we really appreicated our understanding server. We were lucky enough to have similiar service a few weeks back for another stellar (free) meal. The marketing technique of offering us complimentary food so we would come back was a rousing success; as we were leaving, we were already talking about their location in Toronto where you dine right by the harbour, watching boats slide past on a sultry summer night. So, we'll return for a great meal, we'll just order less when we're asked to foot our own bill!

So, here's to the radio for another great night out and to all the fabulous servers out there who take such pleasure in seeing their customers go away happy (and full!)

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