Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Royal Watcher and her Drugs

Apr. 29th, 2011 | 12:34 am
mood: chipper chipper

Okay, so I'll probably get sucked in. I suspect I will be watching this wedding whether I want to or not. I'm a night owl and if falls right into my "wide awake" zone. I watched his Mom get married too (though I remember thinking her dress was hideous--anything with that much material ahould be outlawed)

I have chips and dip, I have chocolate (You'd think I'd be sick of it by now seeing as I won a huge basket full of goodies just days before Easter and have been gorging on it ever since) but NO, I bought more tonight at a seventy-five percent off sale (the stash Peter Cottontail forgot about) so now I have some much coveted mini easter cream eggs. I found the larger ones at the end of a conveyer belt. The cashier had closed her checkout and left the box at the end of her station. It's a good thing I only saw them on the way out after already paying for everything.

Oh, and I got some motion sickness medication in preparation for the big day. The were out of the stuff that goes behind your ears and the bracelets are no-name so I don't think I'm quite finished on this score. I need to be sure to cover all my bases and I'm not positive that el-cheapo brand will cut it. In short, the heaviest thing in my suitcase will likely be the drugs. What's that boy scout motto? "Always be prepared." EXACTLY. A pharmacy in my suitcase it is!

A good writer would now tie in the Royal Wedding and the mention of good drugs...

Kate, may you never need pills to get through dinner with your in-laws but hey, if you do, I'll be in the area by mid-June with a wide array of choices, feel free to look me up! :-)

Just kidding! I Hope that you and William find the happiness his parents were never blessed with; and royalty or not, may you always find a kind word for one another.

ETA::  And if you flub your wedding vows don't worry, there are only 2 billion people watching, and how many times can they re- play that youtube video?? ;-)
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Hat Tricks

Apr. 29th, 2011 | 05:27 am
mood: confused confused

Okay, I can't decide if I'm a voyeaur at The Mad Hatter's Tea Party or the Kentucky Derby. What's with the ridiculous hats? Either pinned tightly to the side of the head with weird shapes poking out at odd angles, or large brimmed chapeau's pulled low over the women's eyes, so much so, it's a wonder they can see in front of them. If they inexplicably start tripping over their five inch heels, we'll know why.

All in the midst of the chapel where William buried his mother. So strange. This rock concert/psychedelic atmosphere mixed in with a tinge of grief. What William may have seen as a way to include his mother, I can't help but see as a tad morbid. How can he recite his vows knowing that the last time he set foot in this place , he was burying his mother? I can see how he got there, felt the connection, but I can't help but wonder if this will spell trouble in the long run.

The Invitation: Silly hat required for overdone, full blown English snob fest.

I really expected something more modern, I suppose in the end William is a true royal, not quite ready to adopt our newfangled ways.

ETA: So apparently, all women were asked to wear "formal" hats. Okay, if you say so, but I'm telling you, some of these wedding pictures will end up in fireplace grates around Buckingham Palace.


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Forget the Heir, I'll take the Spare...

Apr. 29th, 2011 | 01:42 pm

Ho hum. What a boring wedding ceremony I can't believe I stayed up for that. The best thing I can say about it? Hey, at least William's uniform colour-cordinated with the carpet. (and later his cheeks)  It was so Diana like, that for a moment, it felt like she was standing there with him. It was clear they were both extremely nervous (the jaw clenching gave them away) but the awkward handholding and nary a glance at each other, kind of did the whole thing in for me.

Stiff, formal, blah. I guess William has been taking lessons from Charles after all. Speaking of, you definitely see Charles in William now with the balding head and aging, (drooping) face. It was a little jarring after thinking of Will as nothing but Diana's son since childhood. The only moment of levity seemed to come once again, from Harry, as he whispered something in his brother's ear and you saw William FINALLY break out into a brief smile. (Exactly what he said is now the talk of London as people speculate and wish for a lip-reader to crack the code) Harry was the best looking one in the bunch choosing to wear his black military uniform, boy knows how to rock it. Nice! (and has the added bonus of so far, keeping his hair)

I wasn't fussy on Kate's dress, I thought it was a bit of a snooze, entirely forgettable. I woke up a bit when it seemed like Kate's ring may not QUITE fit. I mean, he really had to shove that thing on. Apparently it's Welsh gold from a jeweller that goes back to the 1800's and it's tradition for royal women to wear it. Interesting that the men in the family traditionally wear no ring. I could write something derogatory about why I think that is, but I'll refrain :-)

I didn't stay up for the kiss on the balcony but from the looks of the video, I didn't miss much with that either. (actually, one kiss DID turn into two, so, points there I suppose) Let's hope the disco ball reception planned by sister Pippa was a lot more exciting than tying the knot proved to be. She just got approval a few days ago for the hanging disco balls. I guess if I wanted excitement, I could have watched the queen's face as they were drilling holes into her palace to accomadate hanging disco paraphernalia.

Harry was probably up on a ladder, drilling the holes himself. Yup, you can keep the heir and give me the spare, he's my kind of guy! :-)

ETA: Okay William is forgiven A LITTLE--video shows him winking at Kate during her brother's reading post-ceremony, I started to watch him, but nodded off and missed the wink. Points for that, and apparently he whispered to her Dad as he slipped her hand into William's, "It was supposed to be a small, family affair." Too bad it wasn't to be, but at least Wills acknowledges the circus!:-) There's hope for him yet.

The Verdict is in: Harry said to William (at the altar) "Wait until you see her" BORING. I was expecting "Wow bro, lucky you!" or "I hope I can find a girl this hot!" I guess I have to take solice in the fact that he and Pippa were having an interesting exchange on the staircase (he whispered something in her ear and she started laughing, my guess? Rogue Harry was hitting on her in the nicest way possible. He can't have behaved himself the WHOLE day:-)) That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it! ;-)

Oh, a little piece of trivia for you. Harry gave Diana's ring to William so he could offer it to Kate for the engagement.. It turns out, each of the boys picked out something that would remind them of their Mom after her death. Will chose a watch (one she taught him to tell time with) and Harry chose her ring. Class act, offering it to his big brother. Not something I would ever want to wear, but it was the right sentiment, on both their parts.

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