Wednesday 27 July 2011

Hmmm...Mood Swing Galore...

Mar. 26th, 2011 | 03:15 am
mood: contemplative contemplative

This journal has about fifty "mood" settings so I can accurately assess my mood everytime I post. Does anyone else find this a little strange? I mean really, as I was searching through the list of mood smileys I'm thinking "Hmmm..I never would have thought of this one..." Maybe a case of too many choices and too much information?

If I'm on the cruise and seasick should I really employ the vomiting smiley? Really? Cause I think it's kind of gross and all kinds of overkill. I'm finding that this whole blogging thing feels like an out of body experience. Am I really here writing about my mundane life? Who really cares? Should I blog about not cleaning the house or doing the dishes? Is someone going to swoop in after reading this and say "I'll come over and do the chores for you!" Yeah, didn't think so.

I'm just one person in my small corner of the world. I can't imagine any of this mattering but I find myself typing with ease and confessing all. The new age diary, complete with mood swings. It may be a little bit strange, but it's a little bit of wonderful too.
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Wow you can add "games" to your journal

Mar. 26th, 2011 | 02:05 pm
mood: accomplished accomplished

Okay, I thought Facebook was weird for asking its users to build farms, bakeries and markets but it turns out Live Journal has them beat. They have an application under "games" that teaches you how to rob banks! Hysterical. I mean I could use a few extra bucks for my upcoming travels, why didn't I think of this? "Stick 'em Up!"  And if that doesn't work, I can run my own airport (yay, free airfare) or become the administator of a hospital (probably handy after the trip) Seriously, the internet is weird. No wonder parents never see their kids at the dinner table anymore, they're too busy farming or building empires.

This is when I confess that I have my own addiction on here. I had Atari back in the day and loved it because the system had game controllers that were easy to use. My cordination skills have never been the best, so the solid square black base with the long movable stick made it easy to use. I was a pacman junkie but my all-time favourite was centipede. Anyone remember it? Yeah, I thought so:-) I found a link for it a couple of weeks ago and I just love it. It's so great for stress relief and just plain fun. There's something about blowing a centipede to pieces bit by bit that just does it for me and killing that damn flying spider before he crashes into you? Even better. Here's the link. Come on know you want to!


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