Tuesday 17 January 2012

And today I eat radio crow...

got through to one of my favourite stations today for not ONE set of tickets I really wanted, but TWO. I got myself so excited that I didn't LISTEN properly to the question which was as follows.

Which one of the following fights was Muhammud Ali NOT a part of?

1) Rumble in the Jungle
2) Thrilla in Manila or
3) The old geezer match at Caesar's Palace

and I said TWO. Yes, I've officially become one of the old people I like to make fun of on the radio! Of course it was 3, but I was thinking "Which one WAS he a part of? The guy on the line behind me must have been doing a serious happy dance thanks to my incredible stupidity.

Cindy wears the dunce cap for today, and is eating BOTH humble pie and crow for making fun of people who get this kind of thing wrong while in the throngs of competition .

Oh well. Maybe I can get into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with this get up if my radio contest career continues to flounder. Urgh.

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