Monday 31 October 2011

Candy and suckers and chips, oh, that's not just another day??? :-)

I'm not a huge Halloween fan (although I do have fond memories of some pretty great costumes--corn husk anyone??) I think it's because I can eat candy/gum/chocolate anytime I want now so isn't it really Halloween 365 days of the year? That said, I have to laugh at my building superintendent. He's been the big cheese around here for about five years (and I use the term loosely, I have never met a more passive, pushover of a man in my entire life)

Anyway, he was REALLY into Halloween this year, buying endless bags of candy, suckers and chips. Heck, I started salivating just LOOKING at the table (okay, I ate one tiny package of fruit candy and stole a purple sucker and some chips)

Mom and I went out for coffee (where we ran into about twenty adults decked out in outfits that ranged from full on silly to just plain sexy.) Anyway, they seemed like that were having fun (and I must admit I felt a stab of jealousy at having never been to an adult costume party.)

We headed back to my apartment building, where my disappointed (and lonely, bordering on creepy) Super told us dejectedly, that he had only had about ten kids all night. He managed to lure (I mean invite:-)) a little girl in along with her dad (both dressed in chef's coats/hats) and then proceeded to ask if he could snap the little girl's picture More creepiness. LOL I don't know how long he sat there peering out into the night looking for victims (I mean kids..:-) ) But it was all just a little too sad for me. If I'm ever alone with a big bowl of candy, rest assured, I won't wait around for the neighbourhood kids to help me eat it. He should have marketed his stash to all the old people with walkers in the area, the sugar hit would have given them a nice jolt and sped them right up! (I kid, I kid, I'm totally as slow as they are!)

Happy Halloween All!

This is likely Buddy--very grumpy without his Mommy!

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