Sunday 16 October 2011

Posting that trip all in one entry wasn't my smartest move...

Okay, I think my Quebec trip entry is finally complete. Though it's nice to look at it all as one entry, I question my sanity in having to continuously scroll through the entry (and endless pictures) to edit and make it cohesive. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. I had a great time and truly enjoyed the city.

Mom is a good sport about putting up with me (and my crappy mobility) and we always end up duking it out and having some good laughs. How could you not laugh at the "town that time forgot" or the old man drooling over Mom while trying to take our picture before a lady friend of his could step into the frame ?

And finally, a big thanks for holding my knee during takeoff and landing because "that's what Moms do."

I hope you all enjoy the journey as much as I did.

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