Saturday 22 October 2011

Cinderella and her Sidekick...

So Mom and I hit the town last night in Toronto and got ourselves a sugar/chocolate high at a venue called the Royale Palace. Aptly named as a locale for a chocolate ball. Lots of beautiful colours/presentations all based around an ode to chocolate. It was a little like being given the "Golden Ticket" to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with it's magical decadence and mouth-watering samples.

Believe it or not, this is us before we left, clearly our eyes are gleaming with happiness at the thought of consuming copious amounts of sugar and chocolate...and kudos to Mom for taking this with one hand, as we once again, snap our own photo, we are getting good at it!!

This was the first thing we saw when we walked in. How cool is this oufit? Let the night begin, two orange suckers please!

Sight number two. Do you see those yellow lollipops on the far left side of the screen? BEST THINGS EVER. A delicate, smooth slightly crunchy coating on the outside followed by a moist, lemony cake on the inside, yet it wasn't overpowering at all. (and this is coming from somone who isn't crazy about lemon!) Clearly this girl is saying "Here they come..."

LOL, yes, I'm already getting my lemony high here. Seriously, I should not be publishing this photo in any way, shape or form. Never let it be said that I don't report the truth. LOL

To make matters even more interesting, A newspaper photographer caught me enjoying my spoils, and asked if he could take our picture. Mom handed me another lemon pop, then told me after the picture taking that I had chocolate all over my mouth. Nich eh? Thankfully, it was some little artsy paper (who's name escapes me at the moment) so the damage is minimal. Of course, I'm posting here, so, yeah, now I have a hand in my own embarrassment but it's always better to control one's own story...

Mom starts her night with a multilayed chocolate delight...It's not even in her mouth yet and look how excited she


Yes, we MUST make sure the spoon is licked clean....It's the golden rule of chocolate consumption.

The chocolate covered apple display (granny smith apples are apparently the best apples to use with chocolate so you get that sweet/sour balance.) Yes, I'm stealing a chocolate too. It was a Peanut Butter Ball and it was MUCH BETTER than mine will ever be. (I used to make them for the Christmas holidays until one day I coated them in glue instead of wax to get that special shine--long story!:-)) Anyway, she had me beat in a big way, rich but not overpowering. Later, we saw her giving away whole apples, probably a good thing we didn't get there in time to abscond with  one of those...

Do I look like the cat with the canary or what? LOL I'm pretty sure this was a dark chocolate caramel sprinked with sea-salt. When you bit into it, the liquid caramel exploded in your mouth, soooo goood....The liquid mint filling came in a close second, I think we visited that particular table about five times...

These were yummy too, first, you bit into a crunchy chocolate shell, next came the tang of a fruity filling. Clearly, fruit and chocolate is a winning combination and the rules of chocolate clearly state that if fruit is in the chocolate, the calories don't count!

And here we are, stealing...sorry, I mean showing off our gift box..LOL. Honestly, we took the box when no one was looking and started filling it up. The guy left the table and the boxes were sitting there so a few of us grabbed one, what's a few samples between friends???

The salsa band (the entertainment for the evening) was WAY too loud and this is what can happen to a crazy group of dressed up dancers with a big time sugar high. Tacky, tacky, tacky, but honestly we were too busy going from table to table to bother with most of it.

Oh, and just to let you know, I did balance out the chocolate with some coconut/chocolate infused mashed potatoes, so I did get my veggies in too! (and they weren't bad!)

Anyway, another great night out thanks to the radio and a big  thanks to Mom for the shared chocolate enthusiasm, it was a fun night!

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