Tuesday 9 August 2011

A quiet few days...

It's been quiet around here lately. It's still humid, but lots of grey skies and you can tell that this hot spell will break any day now, ushering in the Fall. It's the time of year when no one wants to admit that summer might be ending, as the days become shorter and the overnight temperatures drop. Don't get me wrong, we've got a few weeks yet, but the unmistakable signs are all there. The "back to school" ads on tv, (the ones that until a few years ago made me think I would go back, sharpened pencils and all) My friends on Facebook talking about running out of activities for their restless kids and being at their wits' end with bored children. (I of course, would never sound like this being sans children, just listening to them complain about it, makes me feel old.) It's the good deals on laptops that always snag my attention, but I'm much too practical for my own good, and will dutifully wait until this one crashes before loading myself up with a problem-free, memory-filled, shiny, new machine. I may love the idea of a glitch-free computer, but I STILL don't love the price tag, so I'm okay, for now.

I don't mind Fall. The colours are pretty and the cooling temperatures will have a nice feel to them afer all of this sticky humidity, but in all honesty, I know what comes next, and my body just can't handle snow anymore. I can't move in it, I always ache, and the cold just never seems to let up until the April thaw.

So, I hope summer hangs out a bit longer, and that come winter, I take a little trip to a nice, warm locale. See what happens once you catch the travel bug? You spend all of your free time looking for the next "great deal" to get you away from what ails you. In my case, snow.

If you have any ideas, feel free to share, because I have no desire to be stuck in SNOW NATION for the next five-six months without a break from the mind-numbing deep freeze, fit only for the abominable snowman.

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