Monday 29 August 2011

A good movie meets a bad rocking chair...

I went to see "The Help" last night. It was a really good movie but I still can't believe that women were only making a dollar a day in the 50's and 60's and that black women had to settle for being the household maid/nanny/cook. I'm not sure how much better (or worse) Canada was when it came to segmentation/discrimination but wow, this was an eye-opener. For someone to be made to feel like property, like they could be bought and sold, that's right up there with sticking disabled people in institutions and throwing away the key. I truly hope we've all "seen the light" on the subject and done everything in our power to eradicate these attitudes. Seriously, giving a black woman her own bathroom to "spare the family from disease?" SPARE ME.

On to a far lighter topic for the evening, what is with the new chairs in the theatres? The straight back was so uncomfortable. You were supposed to be able to "rock" back in the seat, but my feet bearly touched the floor, so I couldn't move the chair at all. So annoying. Two and a half hours of sitting rim-rod straight made Cindy a very grouchy movie-watcher, add in the fact that we got stuck paying full price despite having a two for one coupon (turns out it was only good Sunday to Thursday) and you don't have a very good start to the evening. It's a good thing the movie was worth the trouble. I don't want to say much else about content in case some of you decide to go. (I loathe people who ruin plots for others.) We did without our usual popcorn as our sacrifice for paying full price and did surprisely well without it. We did however stop for more Timmy's ice-cream on the way home (my new summer addiction) but THAT we had a coupon for. Good ol' Saturday night with Mom:-) Next time I can do without the foe rocking chair, it so DID NOT rock my world. :P

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