Thursday 11 August 2011

An Impromptu BBQ in the park...

Don't you just love getting a nice surprise on what starts out as a run-of-the-mill Thursday? It's Mom's mid-summer week off, so today we ventured down to the water, not to swim (yuck, you won't catch me swimming on the waters off this particular shore) but to get our first use out of our mini barbeque. We found a great open area with no worries of sending smoke into other people's faces. (Although I'm sure the wind caught the smell and it was making a few mouths water...)

The little mini-propane tank off to the side was something even I could handle and it was easy to light. Our steaks were done perfectly and I much preferred the taste to that of the charcoal grill last year. I guess I'm just a gas girl. :-)

The potatoes wrapped in foil had a nice smoked flavour without being overbearing and the green salad on the side with a cool cucumber dressing, rounded out the meal.

Should I tell you that we had our ice-cream BEFORE dinner? It was devine. I had "Strawberry Sensation" complete with shortcake pieces, fresh strawberries, and whipped cream. TO DIE FOR. Mom had a coffee concoction that according to her, was just as memerable. I kept hearing this "Oh, I love nuts in my ice-cream! This is soooo good..." So, there you have it, two strawberry-coffee nuts.

Not a bad why to spend a beautiful summer's day. Ice-cream, barbeque, a good book, and some decent company. The only thing missing from the picture was one sweet little boy sitting in my lap, and his mischevious sister. They've been on my mind a lot lately, I think they are swirling around in my dreams.

Summer days, sweet treats, and even sweeter dreams, life could be worse.

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