Saturday 30 June 2012

Happy Birthday Canada!

So, today marks birthday number one hundred and forty-five for Canada and I swear, she doesn't look a day over one hundred! Happy birthday old girl! We love you for your acceptance, your freedoms and your world-wide reputation for being just plain "nice." :-)

<<<Canada Rocks :-)

And happy twenty-fifth birthday to our "Loonie." Our federal government's way of telling us that our dollar wasn't worth the paper it was written on, and was instead, reduced to pocket change.

The reason behind ripped pockets, heavy purses, and longer waits at check-out counters. "Urgh I know it's in here...nope, it's a toonie not a loonie..." <Sigh.>

And finally...

I may not be a drinker, but who wouldn't appreciate this creative tribute to Canada?

It's in the CAN...:-)

1 comment:

  1. I hope your day was nice. I'll be honest; I don't know much about the history of Canada, which is sad. I really should research it one day.
