Friday 8 June 2012

Smart Dogs and another radio adventure...

I don't need kids to give me grey hair, selling stuff on kijiji does it for me. The upside is the extra cash, the downside, the constant hassle from people that have no respect for you, your time or your desire to sell things at a REASONABLE price. Yesterday I was offered eighty dollars for tickets that run one hundred and three EACH. <Delete.>

New radio story to come....just need to finish my weekend selling bonanza...bbl!

Here's a cute little clip of yet another smart doggy to keep you entertained until I can finish my story....

Can you believe how smart this little one is?

Ahhh yes, my latest radio experience...

People always think winning on the radio is all about luck. I'm here to tell you that it's not. The regular radio announcer told his listeners that he was going to be away the following morning and that his "fill in" host would be on location...translation? The people working at the station would be answering the phones for Lady Antebellum tickets. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but in short, it means they have no clue what's going on, so, if you take the time to explain it to them, they will often just give you the prize because you're the first one to call in.

It worked. The annoucer at the remote location said the "winning" phrase and away Mom and I went. It turns out, Mom was the first one through, but she didn't explain it well enough so the girl hung up on her. Cue me. A full minute after she says the phrase I call in and when the girl answers I say "That's the winning Lady A phrase, I thought you'd be really busy..."
"We were" she says,  "I just picked a random line." No doubt she was tired of being told what had just happened. "Hang on, I'll get a pen for your information."

Hello 250 dollars for one carefully planned phone call. Taking advantage of chaos works for us!

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