Saturday 12 November 2011

Illumination Frustration

So I've been at Mom's since Thursday afternoon because I was supposed to "supervise" the decorating of her indoor windows with the approach of the holiday season (Can anyone believe it's already a third of the way through November?) Anyway, so far the window is bare thanks to errands, endless cooking in the kitchen and a trip down to the underground storage locker to ***look*** for the lights, only to haul the wrong box up to reveal, wait for it...the OUTDOOR lights. That's the kind of luck we have. Poor Mom was down there pushing aside candy machines (long story) boxes, dodads, and whatsits only to pull out the wrong stuff. So, as we speak, she is outside in her stocking feet and pajamas stringing lights around her balcony railing. Did I mention that she strung them all up in a nice, even line, only to find that the plug was at the wrong end of it all? Yeah. She's just come in and asked me to make a salad for lunch, best to make myself useful in here before <I> get put on light duty!

Update: The lights are WAY too dark on this side of the railing so that they blend in with the garland..

I'm home now, and last I heard, the light fairy was adding white icicle lights to the bunch to lighten things up. Do people really find decorating fun? I stopped doing a lot of it a few years ago. Though I love the final result, I just can't be bothered with putting in the effort to get there anymore.  It was different with the kitties, they truly enjoyed seeing things lit up and Kasey was a sucker for the animated figure who moved, candle in hand. She would sit in front of him (a little boy with an English cap) and watch the movement for an hour at a time. Bud was partial to the high tech glistening snowmen favoured by Mom. For a few years after Kasey's death, we spent a lot of time there together during holidays. I still miss doing little stockings for them and it was K's birthday to boot, so she always got a little extra treat in her haul. She was forever nosy, sticking her face right down into the stocking, never quite managing to get anything out herself, but hey, the effort was half the fun! Buddy expected me to pull everything out for him and he was always very discerning. What fun we had. It's not wonder it's hard for me to "see the light" and enjoy Christmas anymore :-(


  1. Christmas can be a hard time of year. It's great fun when life is good, but when things are not so good the not so good things are harder to swallow.

    As much as I love home decor stuff, I've never been a big fan of holiday decorating. Putting up the tree every year is such a hassle because it takes sooooo long, but I do it anyway because it doesn't quite feel like Christmas otherwise. I don't do anything for other holidays though. I find most holiday decorations tacky.

  2. LOL I guess that means my "stick on" decorations I gave you don't make an appearance...I was into it back then and yes, it is hard. Not just kitty wise but family wise too. Just different personalities. I'll be at home watching dvd's and eating stuff:-)
