Thursday 22 September 2011

Responsibility Anyone?

Okay, this is going to be a vent post, sorry, I can't help it. What is with people not keeping their word and dodging responsibility when they do something wrong?

My Mom recently had a co-worker accidently scratch her car while trying to park. Said co-worker immediately owned up to it (and told others she had done it) but instead of apologizing, the lady started to backpedal saying "Maybe you shouldn't have parked so close to the fence." Next came "Well, I don't see any damage." Even though scratches were clearly visible. Mom spent time going to two different places to get estimates. The damage is minimal at $250, but that isn't the point. (at least not in my mind) What is with people not taking responsibility for their crappy behavior? If you do something wrong, apologize and do what you can to make it right, don't make excuses. It seems to be happening on a daily basis from car damage to hit and runs. In the last two months alone,  we've had three hit and runs in the area where the driver took off and left people lying on the pavement. No doubt hitting someone is a scary experience, but really? You take off and leave someone to die? One poor soul was killed instantly and then robbed. Yes, I said robbed. While she lay dead on the road, someone took off with her purse and began using her credIt/debit cards. What is wrong with this world?

I'm not a saint by any means, but I pride myself on being a responsible person. If I do something wrong I say I'm sorry, If I owe you money, I pay it back. If I give you my word, you can take it to the bank. It's not rocket science, hell, it's not even all that difficult, so why do so many people seem to have such a problem with it? Maybe the schools need to add it to the curriculum. Reading, writing, arithmetic, and RESPONSIBILITY. It may be our only hope.

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