Sunday 30 September 2012

The (almost) Dealbreaker

So, after a two hour train ride out of London, we made it to Deal. We were loling at the guy who sauntered onto the train with a huge can of beer. He sat down, calmly popping off the top and finished the thing well before the end of his commute. Apparently, open containers aren't an issue in England. As we later found out, they sell wine/beer in supermarkets/corner stores for next to nothing after 12pm.

Anyway, this time our landlady did meet us right off but couldn't fit everything into her compact car so drove me/the lugguage to the cottage a couple of blocks, leaving Mom to walk.

I have to admit, I was really disappointed in the cottage. It was "cute" but smelled of mold/mildew and was just too "cottagey" for my taste. The staircase was a nightmare for me with one steep/open side with no railing (something her web pics never showed) so I was stuck sleeping upstairs because I couldn't get to the bathroom on my own. Our original plan had Mom upstairs, me on the couch downstairs.

Thank goodness we brought a few groceries from London because there was NOTHING in the place. Initially, the town looked like something out of the 50's and not in a charming way, in the fading light, it looked like a tired/sagging town in need of a good cleaning. We wanted out. We both wanted London and at one point, both of us wanted to go home. (This was in the middle of the night when we realized our alleyway backed on to the exit of a bar. Loud conversations at 2 am do not make good impressions. We got through our first night, heading over to the bus stop first thing in the morning...)

Things were looking up. We hopped on for next to nothing and found out the bus dropped us off right in the heart of Dover (Where we would catch the ship in five days)

Cute little place, and yes the cliffs are stunning. We tried to go up and explore the cliffwalks but trust me, it wasn't wheelchair friendly. We ended up waiting an hour to come right back down. It was soooo steep, we had no hope of making it back down on our own. Didn't go in to Dover castle but here's a pretty pic...



Another quaint little town, complete with the beautiful white cliffs. I actually think we got nicer images of the cliffs the day we boarded the ship because we were out on the water with the cliffs all around us.


They had the olmpics on in the town square...






Marine pictues in the tunnel dividing the town...London also had many of these tunnels with art/artists throughout


We hit an outdoor outlet mall and just kicked back finding a cute little place to eat and wandering around. It's so much like the 50's in the UK. I never feel rushed, it lets you catch your breath and take stock of what's around you.

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