Sunday 11 December 2011

A nice dinner, a Christmasy Tree and a stolen purse...

Yeah, the title says it all. Home tomorrow morning--with details. In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful tree, I did until it all started to fall apart!

This isn't my pic because of course, we forgot the camera, we should have turned around at that point!

So, finally the promised update. It's been a few days because I've felt pretty beat after spending Thursday-Monday at Mom's. Her couch is so ridiculously uncomfortable that it seems to take forever for me to feel rested once I get home.

Anyway, we hit Yorkdale Mall on Friday (Mall close to Toronto) Busy, but not crazy. Very cool Santa setup. St. Nick looked pretty happy in his plush chair and surrounding decor and no kids were screaming so that's always a good sign. Pretty decorations within the mall itself but we were surprised that there were no carols playing overhead. Last year when we went to this particular mall, the stars overhead were actually flashing in time with the music. It was one of the reasdons that we wanted to go back.

Reason number two for our return was thanks to a $100 gift certificate for dinner at a swanky restaurant. Mom and I always think that $100 is WAY too much for two people, but we've learned pretty quickly how to enjoy all of it. :-) Frpm salads to soups to scrumptious entrees, it's safe to say we made good use of our funds.

An aged steak for me (honey garlic no less) and fish for Mom (yuck!) but she enjoyed it so it was all good. We had yummy food, good service and a staff that was more than happy to accept our radio gift certificate. (Not the case last week when we got into an argument with the manager at a crummy roadhouse.)

After dinner after making our way out to the car we decided to hit the distillery district of Toronto. Neither Mom or I had ever been, and they had a Christmas market in full-swing. We figured that we wouldn't have a lot of time given that it was already getting late, but we wanted to check it out while we were so close. That was probably our first mistake. We knew they likely closed up shop (even outdoor shops) by 9pm and it was already after seven when we left the mall.

We got a little turned around, finally stopping for directions and getting back on track. By the time we parked in front of the distillery area, it was already after 8 and getting cold...

Mom rushed to get me into the wheelchair and in our haste she didn't lock the door and somebody got in and stole her purse. Normally, we would have taken it, but we figured we would have a quick look around before closing time and I had money so she didn't need it. Unfortunately, it also had my rent cheques in it for the year as she was going to mail them for me. Enter a huge hassle with my bank (which has resulted in me deciding to leave next year when the cheques I've paid for are done) but that's another matter...

Anyway, it was a crisp, winter night at the distillery but so pretty with the big tree shimmering in the centre of the action. If you look closely, you can make out a mini ferris wheel in the back too. They had live music in some areas, piped in in others. With people gathered outside around fire pits having specialty drinks. One place even had a fire pit at each table with plush cushions to sit on.

There were artisan booths full of jewellry, ciders, handmade chocolates, cheeses ect...We even caught a glimpse of UK cadbury chocolate which yes, is MUCH better than our version.

Here's some more pics...

Sorry they're off the net but I wanted you to get a feel for it and we didn't have the camera given the short amount of time we had.

Here's a link for a slide show from last year...such a neat place. That's what i love about Toronto. So much diversity and culture. There's always something to see or do and you never have to do the same thing twice! (Unless you want to)

Enjoy the show!

1 comment:

  1. Stinks about the purse and the rent checks, but the Christmas market looks and sounds lovely!
