Friday 16 December 2011

How to lose your mother in a parking garage.

 Yup. I lost Mom for 2 hour tonight.

We went to a concert (totally crummy, old man choir, NOT fun!) She drops me off at home at 10:30pm and proceeds to go missing until 12:40am. I called family, woke them up, got myself into a total panick (and in the process realized that I have no idea what her license plate number is) ALMOST called the cops (the only reason I even hesitated was because between her place and mine there are three cities and I had no idea which police station to call.) Turns out, she was in her underground trying to get one of her candy machines to work (side business) She was taking it apart, adjusting it, filling it with candy, ect...Completely losing track of the time while I was frantically calling her home number and her cell in rapid succession. If I wasn't so relieved to hear her voice when she finally called, I would have hurt her myself!

She had her cell off thanks to the earlier concert and didn't make her way upstairs until well after my tenth message.

And how scary is this line?

Her sister:

"I don't know what to tell you, I'll call you tomorrow about it if I have time." No kidding. Santa needs to bring me some new relatives!

Already took down the plate number, tomorrow I'm buying her a cowbell so I don't lose track of her!

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