Sunday 15 July 2012

Duck, duck, duck, goose...poop.

So Mom and I headed down to our favourite hangout spot the other day for our usual picnic table/coffee drinking ritual, and what we found was a lot of HUGE geese waddling around eating  grass and leaving their poop everywhere. It was so disappointing as it's nice and cool down by the water, and the harbour is home to many boats on any given night after work, so it's a popular spot to just decompress on a spring/summer evening.

The geese were inches from us at any given time, and at one point, one of them sauntered right up, and nipped at Mom. Thank goodness she didn't freak out because as we later discovered, they can be downright vicious.

Later, a little dog decided to chase after one of the geese. At first it was funny, as the goose (much larger than the small dog) took off running, the dog in hot pursuit (I can picture the video making it on youtube) but what happened next, was a reminder that these are animals made for the wild. As the dog retreated (tired from the chase and ready to return to his owner) a LARGE group of geese began to advance on him, hissing and rolling their tongues. Had the owner not been close enough to grab the dog, I have no doubt that they would have launched a full attack and seriously hurt and/or killed the dog. I never knew that geese had long tongues like that and though I've seen them display aggressive behavior, I had never seen a whole gang of them in action.

I hope their numbers are down next time we go, because poop aside, I'm not going to sit around waiting to become their next pecking post. What's good for the goose isn't good for me!


  1. Geese are definitely MEAN. We had one goose at the pond here that would NOT leave the ducks alone. EVER. He'd spend the entire day chasing after the ducks and their babies, honking at them the entire time. I considered intervening, but I've seen how nasty they can be. Thankfully he's finally moved on.

    1. Bullies galore..not nice! The swans originally had 3 eggs, and only one baby ended up being born. I'm wondering if the geese attacked and ate them. Every yr the swans have multiple eggs and only 1-2 live. I always get so upset by it..I know it's nature, but I feel so bad for the Mom
