Wednesday 23 May 2012

The long weekend hangover

We just passed the Victoria Day weekend here (our first "long weekend"--the official start of summer in Canada) and I still feel like I've been run over by a truck. The weather was beautiful, hot and sunny on days known for cold/rain. It used to be our big fireworks day (in celebration of Queen Victoria's birthday, a marker of Canada's still-present connection to Britain) but it rained for so many consecutive years, that the majority of the big light shows got moved to Canada Day (July 1st)

Anyway, Mom and I headed out for a nice walk along a local beach/pier and man, people were out in full force, eating ice-cream, guzzling down cold drinks and swimming in the MUCH TOO COLD Lake Ontario. Yes, I said swimmimg. I swear, Canadians would swim next to icebergs if you asked them to, we are so desperate for warm weather after months of cold, who cares if we get hypothermia? Seriously, it was too ridiculous for words, and what is with people having like thirty foot boats? Unreal. They were all out there in clusters, no doubt comparing sizes:-) The jet ski die hards were fun to watch as they raced each other, skimming happily along the top of the water at a blistering pace, reveling in their self-made waves.

I ran into trouble by the time I made it home because I had forgotten my hat. We both managed to give ourselves a mild case of sunstroke. Mom from pushing me and not drinking, me from just the sun exposure as it was beating down on me in the wheelchair. A mistake neither one of us will make again, but it put a bit of a damper on the day.

I ended up going out with a friend the next day, and I was dragging myself around like an eighty-five year old. Kinda ruined outing number two  (fries and ice-cream at a local dairy) so, lesson learned.

More nice weather since, but I'm still wiped. The moral of the story is---go back upstairs for your hat, the two minutes I saved was SO NOT WORTH IT.

Happy start to the summer all!

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