Tuesday 10 April 2012

The "Hungry Man Dinner" verses "The Hunger Games"

I ended up at Mom's place for two nights this past Easter weekend. Scored an awesome roast beef dinner, complete with the best homemade bread she has ever made. (Does it still count as homemade when it's done in a bread machine?:-)) The bread rose so high, it looked like a small mountain and was melt-in-your-mouth soft. Such a nice treat! Roast beef in the slow-cooker (I don't eat ham or turkey so every year I say to Mom "Is it my turn for roast beef yet?" Until THIS YEAR, I have always gotten a resounding "NO." Neither one of us is big on dessert, but the bunny brought me a boatload of easter cream eggs and m and m's, so I did okay on that front.

We had ourselves a few rounds of wii golf and I have to say, we both pretty much suck. I like to swing for the fences (or the sandtraps and/or water) while Mom prefers the cautious approach and is forever telling me "don't hit the ball so hard with your putter" as it bounces off the cup and rolls down the green, waving goodbye to the hole. At least I haven't been reduced to throwing/kicking my golf club around the course a la Tiger Woods. <snicker>

I am however, pretty decent at both archery and cycling (apparently the promise of a moving target inspires me) so it's all good.

****The Hunger Games Spoiler Alert***

After our "tournament of not very good champions," we hit the movie theatre to catch "Hunger Games." I thought the two hour and twenty-two minute timeline would put me into a coma, but I have to say, it went by quickly. The shaky camera work at the beginning made me both queasy and skeptical, but thankfully, it stopped and I was able to focus on the story.

I was disappointed in a few areas. Not enough Katniss/Gale interaction nor enough with Katniss and her Mom, but there was a lot to cram into the first film so I could understand and forgive most of it. I'll say this though, when your Mom is asking "Where's all the fighting?" you know the creators held back for fear of too much gore/a bad rating. It was a tad safe and glossed over a lot of the conflict IMO on a few fronts."The Capitol" wasn't nearly as sinister as it should have been, instead only hinting at a violent underbelly (save for one clash after Rue was killed) and the excessiveness in District One was tame, as was the poverty in District Twelve.

Peeta/Katniss had decent chemistry, but I wasn't sold on the pairing beyond anything but friendship.

In short, if I hadn't gotten in for half price, I would have filed it under "rental" and been happy with that. Mom wants to see Titanic in 3D, now there's a movie I'm not sure I can make it through twice!:-)

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