Sunday 29 April 2012

My browser version is no longer supported on here...


My firefox version is no longer supported on here. I don't want to update it because the latest version has the bookmarks on the right-hand side, and I don't want to have to mess with it to get them back over to the left. (I'm a southpaw) So, if the format looks a little **off** you'll know why. I can't update my internet explorer on here either, thanks to a broken windows installer. If worse comes to worse, I will just update my blog on my netbook, where the latest version of IE has no problem installing. This is where multiple computers comes in handy! I still love my "old girl" desktop though, she has been good to me!
<3 <3 <3

Touched by my non-existent webcam

Okay, are any of you watchng the new series "Touch" with Kiefer Sutherland? Keifer's character (Martin) struggles to connect with his non-verbal autistic son (Jake). The boy can see/understand complicated numbers/patterns and how it relates to those around him. (ie how the number 5 relates to everyone in that episode who is destined to 'touch" in their everyday lives, and how ones person's actions will cause a reaction through the chain of events.) Cause and effect.

Jake struggles to get his message across through various mediums, leaving single dad Martin to muddle through, even as the state is determined to take Jake from him. (Don't get me started on how easy it was for officials to swoop in and place the boy in a "centre for evaluation".)

I'm not a huge Kiefer fan, but I'm enjoying him in this, and the writing is brilliant. Those of you who miss Joan of Arcadia, will likely get a kick of of this show for it's "cosmic" connections, very similiar to Joan's.

Now, why does this make me think of my webcam you ask?

Because, in the latest episode of "Touch," a girl tries to track a guy down via a "video" blog. It got me thinking that I might like to throw a few vids on here, just to make it a little more interactive. Imagine my shock when I discovered that the webcam on my new netbook doesn't work. It says "device not present" even though I can see it's there.

When I looked the issue up, I discovered that it's a common problem with the acer netbooks, and I'm not alone in my frustration. I'm not going to bother sending it back, it's just not worth the hassle over a webcam, but I will tell you, I would never buy acer again. My Mom has already had two major crashes on hers, and she had to fight to get the repair covered despite a one year warranty. When will these companies learn that customer service is crucial when trying to sell your brand? They're just lucky that I'm not big into sticking my face on the net, for friends, or anyone else.

So, I shall have to "touch" you all in other ways. :-)

Monday 23 April 2012

True North

Yeah, it's snowing. April 23rd and it's snowing...<sigh>

Welcome to the True North.

Supposed to be snowy/cold tomorrow too. Mother Nature is nothing if not comical.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Two accomplishments and some really weird clothes...

I'm really proud of myself. A few days ago, I got a hankering for some fresh cut fries and knowing I couldn't get out to get them, I decided to haul my deep fryer out of the deep freeze. (I store it in the freezer) I haven't had the thing out in at least a decade because the truth is, I'm terribly afraid of getting burned and the idea of hot oil splattering all over me because I can't move away fast enough, is NOT appealing. I did okay. Mom had bought a fifteen pound bag of potatoes and each one was a monster. I took some of the peel off, cut them super thick, and hoped for the best as I threw them into the bubbling pot. I did manage to keep a fair distance away, so no serious burns.

The fries were to die for, tasting just like my favourite fry place. I thought they might be oily but the extra virgin olive oil I threw them in seemed to be the right choice as I hardly needed to touch them with a paper towel when they came out. I pre-cooked the potatoes a bit since they were so big (6 minutes in the microwave for 3) and I think that was key because I was able to cut down on frying time. Tender inside, crispy outside and each one was a different colour/shape. I was so excited about really liking them. I thought the whole thing was going to be a colossal fail.

I'm not going to rush to do it again (I still hate dealing with hot/bubbling oil but it was nice to know that I can do it.

Same goes for getting my wireless netbook hooked up, I finally did it, go me! (And YES, it works!) I was motivated by problems with kijiji (don't ask) so hoping I could solve them, I set about getting this thing set up. Turned out not to be too bad, although my computer tower is now very angled and kind of in my way as I can't get it back underneath the desk. Oh well, I'll live with it.

The clothes part...I was all excited to buy some new shorts, until I saw writing across the butt. What's with that? No thanks, I'll pass. Something about candy no less...Tacky!

Friday 13 April 2012


Well, it's Friday the thirteenth and in this neck of the woods, that can only mean one thing...

The Harleys are well on their way to Port Dover by the thousands.

Every Friday the thirteenth, area bikers power their way down the highway to congregate in the lakeside community of Port Dover. (Population 6000.)

This is the beach that Mom and I frequent in the summer, because you can't help but be drawn in by the blue sky, sparkling water, and the footlong hot dogs! It's the kind of place adults reminisce about when they talk about their summers as kids, to their kids. Swimmimg, cottages, boats, the intoxicating scent of the grill making your mouth water as you saddle up to a booth looking for your own personal burger. (The place in the video on the corner is where you get the best grub, hence the HUGE crowd of people) 

And for a day, it belongs to the bikers. Rain or shine (or snow) they pull out their 2 wheelers and hit the road.

.Destination: Dover.

It started over thirty years ago, as an area biker (Chris Simons) invited twenty-five of his friends down to the local hotel to "celebrate the feeling of being a biker." They had such a great time, that the decision was made to return every Friday the thirteenth. The hotel has long since changed it's name (a few times) but still serves as the headquarters for meeting up.

The event will bring in over two million dollars in ONE day. Yes, I said two million. It has evolved into a buyers' and sellers' paradise of  food, t-shirts and full-on motorcyle gear.

It's a beautiful spring day out there today, perfect for bikers of all ages. Enjoy it guys (and girls) ride safe!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

The "Hungry Man Dinner" verses "The Hunger Games"

I ended up at Mom's place for two nights this past Easter weekend. Scored an awesome roast beef dinner, complete with the best homemade bread she has ever made. (Does it still count as homemade when it's done in a bread machine?:-)) The bread rose so high, it looked like a small mountain and was melt-in-your-mouth soft. Such a nice treat! Roast beef in the slow-cooker (I don't eat ham or turkey so every year I say to Mom "Is it my turn for roast beef yet?" Until THIS YEAR, I have always gotten a resounding "NO." Neither one of us is big on dessert, but the bunny brought me a boatload of easter cream eggs and m and m's, so I did okay on that front.

We had ourselves a few rounds of wii golf and I have to say, we both pretty much suck. I like to swing for the fences (or the sandtraps and/or water) while Mom prefers the cautious approach and is forever telling me "don't hit the ball so hard with your putter" as it bounces off the cup and rolls down the green, waving goodbye to the hole. At least I haven't been reduced to throwing/kicking my golf club around the course a la Tiger Woods. <snicker>

I am however, pretty decent at both archery and cycling (apparently the promise of a moving target inspires me) so it's all good.

****The Hunger Games Spoiler Alert***

After our "tournament of not very good champions," we hit the movie theatre to catch "Hunger Games." I thought the two hour and twenty-two minute timeline would put me into a coma, but I have to say, it went by quickly. The shaky camera work at the beginning made me both queasy and skeptical, but thankfully, it stopped and I was able to focus on the story.

I was disappointed in a few areas. Not enough Katniss/Gale interaction nor enough with Katniss and her Mom, but there was a lot to cram into the first film so I could understand and forgive most of it. I'll say this though, when your Mom is asking "Where's all the fighting?" you know the creators held back for fear of too much gore/a bad rating. It was a tad safe and glossed over a lot of the conflict IMO on a few fronts."The Capitol" wasn't nearly as sinister as it should have been, instead only hinting at a violent underbelly (save for one clash after Rue was killed) and the excessiveness in District One was tame, as was the poverty in District Twelve.

Peeta/Katniss had decent chemistry, but I wasn't sold on the pairing beyond anything but friendship.

In short, if I hadn't gotten in for half price, I would have filed it under "rental" and been happy with that. Mom wants to see Titanic in 3D, now there's a movie I'm not sure I can make it through twice!:-)