Monday 5 March 2012

Return to human form

Alas I'm finally feeling at least somewhat human. It seems to take me FOREVER to get over stuff like this and believe me, I had nothing of value to say beyond **hack** **cough** **whine**

Still not much to say as it's March 5th and -13 today. Clearly, winter isn't over just yet.

Radio luck is crummy too with new people answering the phone and not falling in line:-) Kijiji has turned into a selling nightmare with people not calling/following through when they say they want something ect...very annoying/frustrating.

Even the summer trip isn't co-operating as mom and I struggle to cordinate everything and not file for bankruptcy when we get back. Pricey flights, buses, taxis and trains...hey, that sounds like a song!

Taxis, trains, and planes go sliding over the plains....urrrrr..ya, clearly I'm still on medication!

Nice to "see" you all, hope I have something fun to report soon....

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