Monday 12 March 2012

An outdoor patio, a little sun, and a lot of sweet...

First day on a patio yesterday as it hit a whooping 16C (low 60's for those of you familiar with fahrenheit.) Broke a forty year old temperature record, and I must admit, brought out the green-eyed monster of jealousy as I caught sight of numerous bikes locked against iron railings. I've always wanted to ride but can't, thanks to poor balance and feet that refuse to stay planted on the pedals. In short, I would need training wheels to balance the bike for me and let's just say, I'm WAY to old to even consider anything close to it. :-)

I stayed outside for half an hour before the wind got to be too much and we made a run for an indoor table. Still, it was a tantilizing taste of what's to come, and it was a joy to see the sun.

Did I mention that I had a strawberry/caramel waffle topped with ice-cream? It was a good day. :P

Look! Someone else loves Williams (Coffee Pub)  as much as I do, and took a pic of my EXACT waffle. Yes, it is as good as it looks and I ate almost the WHOLE THING on my own. (I gave Mom the last few bites because she was craving a sweet and I had eaten WAY too much.) Who could resist something that looks this delectable?

1 comment:

  1. That does look REALLY good! Usually I'm much more of a pancake fan than a waffle one, but ever since Drue ordered that waffle at the hotel in NO I've been craving them... I think I may eventually need a waffle maker!
