Sunday 21 October 2012

Returning to Dover...Cliff views from the ship

We made our way back to Dover to board the ship on the sixth day of our journey. We were excited to be done with cooking meals, and I was over the cottage stairs and the many bruises I had from being pulled down them by my little ankles. Our cab driver was great, a guy from Deal who had lived there all his life and  was more than happy to take us down to the ship for a really good rate. He talked about enjoying the slower pace, and how people in the area make a conscious choice not to "put off 'til tomorrow what they can do today..." We got there really early and were pleasantly surprised to learn that we could be onboard in under an hour. Yay! Bring on an early lunch...

Here's the view of the cliffs from our little ship--The Ocean Princess


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Pics on the ship itself...LOL at the guy cleaning the windows --we have a few of him waving but thought this was  a pretty effective view as it started to rain...

Ceiling was in the ship's cute library...really enjoyed the size of our ship was about the size of the one you see in the pic above, he was coming toward us and I was "Hey! That looks like us." :-)


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