Sunday 21 October 2012


Not a lot of pics for this stop because we only had half a day in this port. Let me tell you, Guernsey has to rival San Francisco for her hills...Now add in pushing a wheelchair on old cobblestones or very narrow sidewalks, and you have to have what I would consider the most "in shape" Mums in the entire UK. Soooo pretty, but a real challenge for Mom, and I felt like a slug sitting around while she pushed.

Quaint stores, quaint town, beautifully hand-crafted Celtic jewellry and THE BEST ice-cream in the whole universe. The ice cream is a "new" project according to one of my Mom's friends who grew up there. Milk/Cream comes straight from the...wait for it...Guernsey cow. I had strawberry cream...Does it look like I enjoyed it??



A couple on the cruse saw me with it and were all "Where did you get that?? You make it look so good they should pay you for sitting out here with a cone...I saw them later, they said they loved it too!

For those of you that read my blog from last year, you may remember that Mom and I never made it in to the mainland of Guernsey because the waves were too high for the tenders to make it in. (Tenders drive you to the mainland if the ship can't get in close enough) The water was VERY choppy this year too so we got a late start and I have to tell you, gravol was my friend, The ride over was like a rollercoaster and honestly from this pic does it look like I would last much longer?


Yeah, nice hair! And I'm starting to turn a tad green...




Cutsy Church--How adorable is this? Reminds me of that rhyme.."Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors, and here's all the people!"

Can you say port town?? Almost ALL of Guernsey's goods come in through this port, and according to a couple we ran into at the docks, they took the olympic torch all through the harbour --the woman had a great snapshot of the torch and said it was cool to see it zipping all over the place through the harbour via speedboat.


We had left over money from Guernsey and tried to use it in Scotland for a cab...big no no. Guernsey money STAYS in Guernsey, the banks wouldn't even take it when we tried to switch it to UK pounds. Yes, they are part of the UK but they are independent, hence their own money


1 comment:

  1. Finally catching up on your blog! LOL @ the ice cream photos. I love good quality ice cream. Bet that was delish!
