Monday 20 August 2012

I haven't forgotten...

Hey all! I haven't forgotten about my trip pics, Mom is in the middle of re-doing her kitchen counters/selling old appliances/getting new ones, so sending me pictures isn't high on her list of priorities. I should have copied them all to disk while I was at her place, but I was a little

On the prize front, am a bit bummed out that one of my favourite stations (read easy to win on) is changing formats (going to all stand up comedy for some god-awful reason) so it's a bit of a blow. Oh well, what can you do?

Went to a chinese food buffet the other night (a prize) and it was HORRIBLE. Who needs to eat all of that fatty food in quantities like that? People were loading up plates like that hadn't seen food in years, and I have to tell you, I was pretty disgusted. Another thing you don't see in the U.K. Sure, they love their pubs but you don't see them shoveling food into their face because they think someone is going to come by and rip the plate away.

My favourite part of the night was passing by the overflowing garbage on the way to the bathroom. Just YUCK.

So yeah, chinese is out for the next little while thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh Chinese is one of my favorites! I don't eat it very often though because I bloat up like a blowfish due to the high amount of sodium. You better believe that I load up my plate every time I go though! Ha! Unless I go to a non-buffet place and then I eat a normal amount. What I want to know is why are most Chinese places buffet? At least they are in the US. It's not like buffet is inherently Chinese, and yet people generally expect Chinese restaurants to have them and are often disappointed when they don't.
