Saturday 4 February 2012

The Iron Lady

Caught this movie last night as a freebie thanks to a cineplex pass from my niece. (You gotta love Christmas stuff that you can enjoy after the big rush.) What a great movie. "Maggie" was such a pistol, and Meryl Streep just owned the role. This movie was put together by the same group that was involved with "The King's Speech." and you could really see the similarities. Thatcher definitely earned her place in history the hard way, yet even watching her story unfold, I wasn't sure if I would have liked her. Meryl had a way of pulling this character to the brink of dislike, then yanking her away from the cliff at the very moment that you were ready to push her over it by showing her "softer" side with her husband.

I tell you, the snide/sarcastic comments by the male members in her own party were downright disturbing. A quote directly from Margaret herself "There won't be a female Prime Minister here, not in my lifetime." I'm glad she got to prove them wrong even if her terms were filled with violence/controversy.

Meryl made one million dollars for this film (Don't get me started on why "older" women in Hollywood make so little, while Tom Cruise can smile and make ten times that.) and she promptly donated ALL of her earnings to help build/open a "Women in History" museum in Washington.

Classy Lady.

Both of Them.

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