Sunday 12 February 2012

I'm just full of opinions tonight...

My thoughts on Whitney...

So, Whitney Houston died yesterday. I have to say, I'm surprised so many people are "surpised," I mean this woman has had issues for years. I loved her voice when she first broke in to the business, but her antics (with and without Bobby Brown) are well-known so no, I wasn't shocked.. Honestly? I'm more angry than anything else, as I hear whispers of her daughter being a full-blown addict too.This woman had every resource avaliable to her, and she still couldn't manage to find help/happiness.

If Joe Blow on the street had died like this, there wouldn't have been a word printed about it, but because it's Whitney Houston, we already have planned tributes/canceled parties and condolences rollling in.

Maybe I'm crazy, but my first thought was "How many of her millions were blown on drugs?" What kinds of things did her daughter see growing up with TWO addicts as parents?" I felt this way about Michael too. Great talent but at the mercy of addiction with no will to get help. Sad that kids aren't enough to motivate you, and sadder still that this kind of stuff seems to be the "norm" in Hollywood.

On to my second topic for the evening...

I seldom post stuff this personal so for the sake of privacy I'm going to alter the scenario slightly. I have a friend who at the ripe old age of 22 is about to welcome baby number two. Said friend is living at home with her parents along with her daughter and her boyfriend. Yes they both work, but they don't pay ALL of the bills (both have no qualms about having top of the line cell phones/going out for their Timmy's coffee on a regular basis, ect...)

The girl has a job she thoroughly enjoys and it does offer the chance to move up, and her boyfriend has an apprenticeship in a trade,  but no doubt she will now be taking time off to have her baby leaving the boyfriend as the sole breadwinner for at least a few months. Here's my question...

When did it become the norm to move back in with your parents, bring your boyfriend along and start having babies before you even have a clue as to who YOU truly are? I'm no prude, but I will admit, I find the scenario absolutely ridiculous. Her parents made a genuine effort to be understanding the first time she got pregnant and their reward is the announcement of baby number two. Hmmm....I guess it's a brand new day eh? Let me just take a moment to say "So glad it's not me." and if this is what passes for "normal" I think I'll pass, even if it makes me sound like I'm one hundred and fifty:-)

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