Tuesday 21 February 2012


Came down with a nasty something and am really not feeling well. This has been the reason for my absence and I wanted to let you know I will start posting again when I feel up to it.


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Sunday 12 February 2012

I'm just full of opinions tonight...

My thoughts on Whitney...

So, Whitney Houston died yesterday. I have to say, I'm surprised so many people are "surpised," I mean this woman has had issues for years. I loved her voice when she first broke in to the business, but her antics (with and without Bobby Brown) are well-known so no, I wasn't shocked.. Honestly? I'm more angry than anything else, as I hear whispers of her daughter being a full-blown addict too.This woman had every resource avaliable to her, and she still couldn't manage to find help/happiness.

If Joe Blow on the street had died like this, there wouldn't have been a word printed about it, but because it's Whitney Houston, we already have planned tributes/canceled parties and condolences rollling in.

Maybe I'm crazy, but my first thought was "How many of her millions were blown on drugs?" What kinds of things did her daughter see growing up with TWO addicts as parents?" I felt this way about Michael too. Great talent but at the mercy of addiction with no will to get help. Sad that kids aren't enough to motivate you, and sadder still that this kind of stuff seems to be the "norm" in Hollywood.

On to my second topic for the evening...

I seldom post stuff this personal so for the sake of privacy I'm going to alter the scenario slightly. I have a friend who at the ripe old age of 22 is about to welcome baby number two. Said friend is living at home with her parents along with her daughter and her boyfriend. Yes they both work, but they don't pay ALL of the bills (both have no qualms about having top of the line cell phones/going out for their Timmy's coffee on a regular basis, ect...)

The girl has a job she thoroughly enjoys and it does offer the chance to move up, and her boyfriend has an apprenticeship in a trade,  but no doubt she will now be taking time off to have her baby leaving the boyfriend as the sole breadwinner for at least a few months. Here's my question...

When did it become the norm to move back in with your parents, bring your boyfriend along and start having babies before you even have a clue as to who YOU truly are? I'm no prude, but I will admit, I find the scenario absolutely ridiculous. Her parents made a genuine effort to be understanding the first time she got pregnant and their reward is the announcement of baby number two. Hmmm....I guess it's a brand new day eh? Let me just take a moment to say "So glad it's not me." and if this is what passes for "normal" I think I'll pass, even if it makes me sound like I'm one hundred and fifty:-)

Thursday 9 February 2012

Be Creative!

Who knew a simple stickman could be soooo fun!

Enjoy! (use your mouse to "draw.")


Wednesday 8 February 2012

Pardon Me???

A wagjag deal in my city today...Apparently the Sapranos live nearby and might need some legal assistance. Explains a lot about today's world doesn't it?

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WagJag Discussion Feed

$199 for Assistance to Obtain a Criminal Pardon from BP Paralegal Services (a $499 Value)

Offer Details
  • Expires in 1 year
  • Call ahead to speak to a paralegal and arrange for your pardon
  • 2 buys per person; limit 1 voucher per criminal pardon
  • Legal fees/disbursements (for fingerprinting, applications etc.) not included
  • Does not include tax. Voucher has no cash value
  • Clear your criminal record so it doesn't interfere with future jobs or vacation plans
  • Other services include small claims, WSIB claims, landlord and tenant matters and more
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Offer Details
  • Expires in 1 year
  • Call ahead to speak to a paralegal and arrange for your pardon
  • 2 buys per person; limit 1 voucher per criminal pardon
  • Legal fees/disbursements (for fingerprinting, applications etc.) not included
  • Does not include tax. Voucher has no cash value
  • Clear your criminal record so it doesn't interfere with future jobs or vacation plans
  • Other services include small claims, WSIB claims, landlord and tenant matters and more
Much like vinyl records, criminal records tend to make a resurgence when you least expect them to, like in the last couple years, or that time your in-laws decided to take the whole family on a surprise road trip to Mexico. Ensure one of these types of records remains a thing of the past with today's WagJag: $199 for assistance to obtain a criminal pardon from BP Paralegal Services (a $499 value).

With the cost of criminal pardons expected to rise under newly-proposed government legislation, right about now may be a good time to seek your pardon. The licensed paralegals at BP clear away records of the non-vinyl and non-Guinness kind, using their legal expertise and jargon. Records and worries about said records are wiped out, making way for more work and travel opportunities.
BP Paralegal also provides services to help with landlord and tenant matters, process serving, small claims court matters, WSIB claims and more. Visit their website to learn just what the company can do for you.

Sorry, the pics in the ad won't display properly but you get the idea...

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Everyone should have a moment like this...

I may not be a fan of the superbowl, but I'm a fan of the human experience and everyone deserves a moment like this....
(shortened version)

Longer version/backstory go here...


Saturday 4 February 2012

The Iron Lady

Caught this movie last night as a freebie thanks to a cineplex pass from my niece. (You gotta love Christmas stuff that you can enjoy after the big rush.) What a great movie. "Maggie" was such a pistol, and Meryl Streep just owned the role. This movie was put together by the same group that was involved with "The King's Speech." and you could really see the similarities. Thatcher definitely earned her place in history the hard way, yet even watching her story unfold, I wasn't sure if I would have liked her. Meryl had a way of pulling this character to the brink of dislike, then yanking her away from the cliff at the very moment that you were ready to push her over it by showing her "softer" side with her husband.

I tell you, the snide/sarcastic comments by the male members in her own party were downright disturbing. A quote directly from Margaret herself "There won't be a female Prime Minister here, not in my lifetime." I'm glad she got to prove them wrong even if her terms were filled with violence/controversy.

Meryl made one million dollars for this film (Don't get me started on why "older" women in Hollywood make so little, while Tom Cruise can smile and make ten times that.) and she promptly donated ALL of her earnings to help build/open a "Women in History" museum in Washington.

Classy Lady.

Both of Them.

Thursday 2 February 2012

He doesn't want to be responsible for ANY weather predictions...

Frozen Niagara Falls---1911.

In keeping with my Niagara Falls theme from last week, here is a picture of the falls from 1911, when it completely froze over. On a side note, look how close the family is to the edge of the falls here...Safe to say, little Johnny of today wouldn't be getting this close. Then again, maybe the kids of 1911 knew better than to try to jump in, hence no need for the now, iron fence.

ETA: The groundhog saw his shadow today so six more weeks of winter for us, at least it won't get as cold as this!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

No Paris for us...

It was a no go on the trip today. Disappointing but not unexpected. I hope the winner enjoys the royal treatment as much as we would have!

On to the next thing, whatever that may be!