Monday 10 December 2012

Best Friends---A boy and his dog enjoying a few moments...

This adorable video by Julian Burrett has gone viral this Sunday after being featured on Arbroath and TastefullyO.

While going a nature hike with his buddy Watson the dog, Arthur the toddler noticed a tempting puddle in the dirt path.

So he did what any toddler would do. He very carefully and
delicately put down Watson’s leash, gave him a look in the eye as if to
say, “I’ll just be one moment, stay right here,” and proceeded to run back and forth through the puddle a few times, all while Watson very patiently stood by waiting.

After a few good runs, Arthur had his fill, so he picked up Watson’s leash, and they continued on exploring the wonders of Nature.

This. Is. Happiness.

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