Monday 20 May 2013

War Dance

Because we should all remember that it is very real..


It's been awhile...

I haven't been in a posting mood lately, not sure why, just life I guess. We had a tragedy in this area and it's hit me pretty hard. A man selling his truck on Kijiji went out on a test drive with two men and never came back. They found his body in a neighbouring town a few days later, and it's rocked the whole community.   The media has since labeled it a "thrill kill" and it just makes me sick. The guy they've got in custody (thanks to an identifying tattoo seen by another man who had similarly taken the two men on a test drive the week before) is staying silent but they are now looking into the "suicide" of his wealthy father and the "disappearance" of his ex girlfriend. A privledged punk kid who had everything that money could buy, takes the life of a man who's daughter is too young to remember him. Just because he could.

I use Kijiji. I send Mom out there to meet people, you can bet that we'll be just a little more cautious, a little more careful, and ALOT more aware.

Sometimes I just can't understand what this world is coming to.      

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Buddy's Birthday

In honour of my sweet boy's birthday. I miss you everyday, you were the light in a very dark world. You brought me such joy and happiness. I was blessed to know your sweet little soul for 18 years. I couldn't have asked for a better friend.

"Love you forever, like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be..."